Is the Abortion Pill Your Best Option?

Making the decision to terminate a pregnancy is never an easy one, but it's in every woman's interest to know what her options are should she ever be put in a position to choose. There are currently two abortion methods used in clinics: surgical treatment and medical (or pill) treatment. Is the abortion pill right for you? Here are some ways to know.

--How pregnant are you? Your choice is mainly limited based on how far along you are in your pregnancy. The abortion pill (actually a procedure involving taking two separate pills) is usually only administered if you are at 7 weeks (49 days) or earlier. Some clinics will still allow the use of the abortion pill up to 9 weeks' gestation, but the efficacy of the treatment significantly decreases as time goes by. Bottom line: if you are more than 7 weeks pregnant, a surgical abortion is your best option.

Abortion Clinic

--Personal preference is also a factor. With a medical abortion, you will take one pill on your first visit followed by a second pill several days later. The pregnancy is therefore terminated over a period of days rather than instantly as with a surgical abortion. For many women, the idea of terminating a pregnancy relatively slowly is too difficult. If this process sounds like too much for you to handle emotionally, you may want to opt for a surgical abortion instead.

As long as you are less than 7 weeks pregnant, there really is no right or wrong answer to the question: is the abortion pill my best option? It's largely a matter of what "feels" right to you. Make sure to consult with a trusted health care provider to help you decide.

Is the Abortion Pill Your Best Option?

Best Women's Medical Care ( ) specialize in providing complete gynecological care and abortion Brooklyn clinic services in a comfortable, private and supportive environment.