Abortion Issues Throughout The World

Abortion is a subject that has been debated for many years. In some countries having abortion is strictly illegal and many people all around the world believe that abortion is a murder. People hold different views on this critical topic and many crises have been raised in almost every country. Following these crises countries had regulations on the laws about abortion. In United Kingdom abortion is allowed until about the 20th week of the pregnancy and it varies in other countries. This is because around 20th week of pregnancy babies start to develop further and they are no longer embryos.

Most religious people believe that abortion should be completely banned. They agree with the idea that it is simply a type of murder and murdering a person is a crime and abortion is just a different type of killing. The supporting idea these people come up with is that, God is the only one who can create life and take them away, so humans should not be interfering with this kind of issues.

Abortion Clinic

Some other, generally non religious people believe that abortion should be not be banned and it should be a personal choice whether a women gets an abortion or not. There could be some cases where the women has no choice but to have an abortion and considering these circumstances some part of the population believe that abortion should never be banned. In countries like China due to high population problems, families are allowed to have only one child. If a women who already has a child is pregnant than that women has to have abortion. This doesn't support the religious view; however as the laws do not allow any more than one child that women have no choice but to get an abortion.

Considering the two different views on abortion, I cannot agree with a particular one of these. As stated above there could be some situations where the women has no choice but to have an abortion and these could be murder, economical difficulties, health problems etc. In this kind of circumstances women should make their own choices. However considering the other view stated, abortion could be seen as a type of killing and taking a life is a sin. Killing is not something that is accepted by all religions in the world, it is not ethical and nobody has the right to take a life away from someone.

Abortion Issues Throughout The World

Alternative Medicine: Who Can Benefit From Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy has become one of the most trusted ways to reduce stress for a person. It can help you so much because of its healing effects. This alternative medicine exists since ancient times. In fact, so many people use it to get themselves treated against diseases. The essential oils that are used in this therapy have a beneficial impact on the nervous systems.

The aromatherapy makes sure that the body is exposed to various kinds of plant oils through treatments like steam distillation and alcohol extraction. Even carrier oils can be provided to the user's body. This treatment is also excellent for curing any psychological problems and can relieve stress. In fact, aromatherapy is being used for curing people all over the world. People who are fed up with allopathic treatments rely on aromatherapy for an organic way to cure themselves. If minor problems like cold are not allowing you to focus on your work, then aromatherapy is the best treatment. In fact, simple sickness can also make you stay in the bed for longer hours than desired.

Abortion Clinic

So, Aromatherapy can make your body healthy destroying the root causes of such symptoms. In fact, when someone undergoes an aromatherapy treatment, his/her immune system becomes strengthened which alleviates the causes of many minor ailments. He becomes more resistant against certain kind of diseases which is very essential for feeling healthy and having an enhanced productivity at the work place. Aromatherapy has now become a substitute for medical healing. For curing ailments like depression, this treatment is wonderful.Aromatherapy is also very effective to decrease stress levels. Many hard working people are getting rid of stress using the therapy. Aromatherapy can consist of inhalation or massage. It is used for the detoxification of the body.

The impact of the treatment depends on the skills of the therapist. His competence and training can make you feel better in no time. In fact, aromatherapy has yield wonderful results for people since generations. The treatment will provide you so much energy. When you have extra energy for anything, you are able to spend extra time with the pals and family members. If you wish to perform Aromatherapy by yourself make sure that the oils you are using are taken from a reputed place only. This way it will have the maximum impact. Not all ready-made aromatherapy products are pure and natural.

Alternative Medicine: Who Can Benefit From Aromatherapy?

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortion pill, physical examinations, family planning and counseling.

8 Things You Can Do to Prevent Varicose and Spider Veins

If you have veins which are twisted in the lower legs then those are called varicose veins. Carl Arnold Ruge has defined "any elongated, tortuous and dilated vein irrespective of the size" as Varicose Vein. It generally refers to the veins present in the legs. The leaflet valves help in preventing blood from flowing backwards in the veins. The muscles of the Leg pump the blood to the heart back. So when the veins are enlarged the leaflets do not meet properly any more. This makes the valves not to work.

Spider veins are not like varicose veins but they are smaller and have a blue or red appearance. They are very close to the skin surface. They appear like a spider web. Spider veins are also found in the face in addition to the legs. These are generally caused by the blood that backs up. Spider veins occur more in Women than men. This is because the superficial veins in women are more close to the surface of the skin. The best thing to treat spider veins is to try to prevent them.

Abortion Clinic

The best ways to prevent Varicose Veins and Spider are Maintaining correct body weight, Standing up Straight, Legs to be kept uncrossed while sitting, Avoiding to Stand at a single place for a long time, Exercise, Avoiding High heels, Stretching the legs while sitting, Raising Legs up.

So let's see what you can do to prevent varicose and spider veins:

1-Maintaining body weight: The body if too heavy makes the circulatory system work much more than at the normal weight. This increases the pressure on the veins of the legs. Hence we need to make sure that the correct body weight is maintained.

2-Standing up Straight: Standing up Straight: While standing we need to make sure that a good position and posture is maintained.

3-Legs Uncrossed: When we are sitting we need to make sure that we keep the legs are not crossed. This helps in making sure the flow of blood is not slowed down.

4-Avoiding standing at a single place for a long time: Standing at place for a long time makes the blood flow more slowly. A Hose like Compression Host would help in such times.

5-Exercise: Regularly exercising improves the circulation of blood without adding pressure on the veins. The exercises should be mild like walking, rowing, swimming and cycling.

6-Avoiding High Heels: Wearing high heels causes undue pressure on the legs and can cause the blood flow to get constricted while flowing back to the heart.

7-Stretching the legs while sitting: When we sit for long periods we need to stretch the legs or rotate the ankles and toes to be flexed.

8-Raising Legs up: When we are lying down we need to make sure the legs are raised up around 6 to 12 inches above the heart. This helps in making sure that blood in the legs flows easily.

To Your Health!

8 Things You Can Do to Prevent Varicose and Spider Veins

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996. Florida Abortion Clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling.

Playing It Cool

Interesting read ... Recommended ... 4 stars

The Review

Abortion Clinic

The narrative begins with the prologue where we find Sebastian ruminating about when it all began. Sebastian, Baz to some, Bastian to others and Seba to still others is eighteen years old and is the person so many turn to when they have a problem. It was Thursday when a grateful Caesar dropped Sebastian off at his house. Because of Sebastian Caesar has a date with Nicole. Sebastian gets things done. In two days Sebastian and his friend Jeremy will set off on an adventure to meet Jeremy's biological father. Learning that he has a biological father, who is not the man married to his mother and is not the man Jeremy has always believed to be his 'real' father, has come as a bit of a surprise. The pair will be traveling to Wilmington, North Carolina where Bastian will pretend to be Jeremy. Jeremy needs a little time to get used to his newly discovered parent. Sara Shaw who is visiting the abortion clinic where her mother is protesting abortion, Jenny who calls to state that Paul is planning to kill himself, pizza chain owner Big Niko and his penchant for making time with women who are not his wife are all part of the tale. Coming to grips with his own birth circumstance, meeting Dromio Johansson, his wife, daughter and her friend, confronting a fellow who carries Rohypnol in his pocket, a girl named Christina, and making an assumption, Sara disappears and graduation day all move the story to the conclusion.

Playing it Cool is a well written, touching tale filled with pathos, adult language and conduct. Sebastian is 'cool', he smokes, drinks liquor and fixes things for everyone. He is the one everyone turns to when they have a problem. He can set up dates, arrange transportation and talk a friend down from a ledge. Blackmail and hostility, a need to fix things for everyone and misunderstanding are all part of the tale. A boy trying to appear as a man; Sebastian remains a disadvantaged boy who has little confidence with girls, and has a despairing need for a father of his own. Characters are not always likeable, they are plausible, complicated and captivating. Written with empathy and an energy that will drive readers forward Playing it Cool is a compelling read for upper grades and high school readers who enjoy reading a tale that is at times filled with distressing cerebral calamity.

Writer Dorfman possesses an understanding for dialogue and the human psyche, as the characters presented put themselves in disturbing peril in their desire to help others out of danger physical or emotive the reader is carried along on an emotional roller coaster. Tackling the harsh realism of life is not always easy or satisfying for adults or teens, Dorfman's keen command of words is evident. Sebastian is a youngster who finds his life spinning out of control and the reader spins along with him. Dorfman's writing is efficient, tense, and not for the immature young reader.

Writer Dorfman presents a compelling read in his young adult offering. Characters who are suffering from many of the same feelings of inadequacy and attempts to cover up by a façade of 'cool' or pretense as are faced by teens everywhere hold reader interest from opening lines to the last paragraph.

Graphic language and situations make the work not for everyone. Playing it Cool is a book many teens will find compelling with it's tale of a young man who is in search of himself. Enjoyed the read, happy to recommend.

Playing It Cool

Reviewed by: Molly's Reviews
molly martin

Genre: YA
Author: joaquin dorfman
Line/Publisher Random House 1745 Broadway New York, NY 10019 .95
ISBN: 0375836411

Parent, Teacher, Reviewer, Writer, Q M R P

Is the Abortion Pill Your Best Option?

Making the decision to terminate a pregnancy is never an easy one, but it's in every woman's interest to know what her options are should she ever be put in a position to choose. There are currently two abortion methods used in clinics: surgical treatment and medical (or pill) treatment. Is the abortion pill right for you? Here are some ways to know.

--How pregnant are you? Your choice is mainly limited based on how far along you are in your pregnancy. The abortion pill (actually a procedure involving taking two separate pills) is usually only administered if you are at 7 weeks (49 days) or earlier. Some clinics will still allow the use of the abortion pill up to 9 weeks' gestation, but the efficacy of the treatment significantly decreases as time goes by. Bottom line: if you are more than 7 weeks pregnant, a surgical abortion is your best option.

Abortion Clinic

--Personal preference is also a factor. With a medical abortion, you will take one pill on your first visit followed by a second pill several days later. The pregnancy is therefore terminated over a period of days rather than instantly as with a surgical abortion. For many women, the idea of terminating a pregnancy relatively slowly is too difficult. If this process sounds like too much for you to handle emotionally, you may want to opt for a surgical abortion instead.

As long as you are less than 7 weeks pregnant, there really is no right or wrong answer to the question: is the abortion pill my best option? It's largely a matter of what "feels" right to you. Make sure to consult with a trusted health care provider to help you decide.

Is the Abortion Pill Your Best Option?

Best Women's Medical Care ( http://www.thewomenschoice.com/ ) specialize in providing complete gynecological care and abortion Brooklyn clinic services in a comfortable, private and supportive environment.

Why Men Should Have No Say On The Abortion Issue

I had a discussion with a close male friend this week who says he is pro-choice - to
an extent. He went on for sometime sharing his views on abortion with me. While he
was talking I realized something very important - unless he is the father of the
fetus, what he says really doesn't matter because he's a man.

It really gets me steamed when a man sits in judgment of a woman who has had an
abortion. I just don't see how a man can speak to this issue at all. Why should men
need to establish any type of position at all on a subject that is clearly feminine by
nature? I know many are already cowering away from this article in fear of hell's fire.
Think about it though, there are several reason why men should not have a say in
what women do with their bodies.

Abortion Clinic

Congratulations Sir, You're Pregnant

For example, men have never had to face the decision of whether they should allow
a child to grow inside them. They have never been in the position of reconciling the
gift of life with the invasion of life. In fact, a man can just impregnate a woman and
walk away, which is exactly what many have done. If a man can have the right to
choose whether he wants the responsibility of fatherhood, shouldn't the woman
have the same choice concerning motherhood?

Men have never been in the position of having a foreign object growing in their
bodies and being told it would be immoral to want that object removed. Men cannot
relate to the feeling personal invasion brought about by an unwanted pregnancy or
the fears of being a single mother. The woman's body is used as a vessel for life,
but it should be each woman's decision as to whether she wants to be a vessel at
that point in her life.

Daddy Isn't Here, Sweetheart

Another reason men shouldn't have a say on the abortion issue is because since the
dawn of time women have carried the majority of the burden of child rearing while
the man pursues his own interests in life. Meanwhile, the wife is tied to the home to
raise the children that both of them created. Men cannot relate to the stifling feeling
that comes from being subjected to living a life as the primary care giver. In fact,
there should be no primary care giver at all, it should be a shared responsibility.
However, when the father is not around, the woman has no other choice.

The woman knows what having a child will mean to her personal life (and yes, her
life does matter too). Sometimes the changes are welcomed, other times the future
is very scary. A man can go on with his life, his career and his own interests with
little worry about his future other than being forced to set up the baby's crib before
the mother goes into labor - if that much. However, the mother's sacrifices and
responsibilities are endless and she knows how important it is to raise children who
are productive members of society. She can't fail - even if he does shrug his

Men have basically handed over parental responsibilities to the women and walked
away. Even the most well-intentioned father engages in but a small amount of the
parenting responsibilities. The women, with no other choice but to raise the children
since the father is out pursuing his career, or whatever it is that men do when they
are not at home with their families, are forced into a situation that may not even be
what that woman needs to thrive in life. She has no choice.

Does the man care that his selfishness could have a detrimental impact on the
woman? Nope. She's doing what society expects of her and he is doing whatever he
wants. It is especially difficult for women in these days when so many men just
abandon their responsibilities as fathers altogether and leave the woman completely
alone to raise the child as a single parent. Even when a father is physically around,
oft times he is not around emotionally. But again, the woman has no choice.

It Takes Two

The reason it takes both a man and a woman to make a child is because nature
knew it would take both a man and a woman to raise that child. When the man
shrugs his paternal obligation, the woman is left with a burden that wasn't meant to
be shouldered by one person.

So many conservatives believe women get recklessly pregnant and then use abortion
as birth control. This is just a tactic used to justify the imposition of their morals on
other people. Anyone who has ever been inside an abortion clinic knows abortion is
always a last resort for women. It's a desperate move to solve a desperate problem -
not a routine action.

What's even more ironic is that many times these conservatives would be the first to
rush their daughter to the abortion clinic just to save face if she ended up with an
unwanted pregnancy. Then they have the audacity to condemn the women who
choose to not have a baby because they couldn't afford to feed it or didn't want to
raise the child alone. In fact, the guy I mentioned at the start of this article
encouraged his girlfriend to have an abortion because he was afraid of what his
religious parents would think about an illegitimate child. He thinks what he did was
moral, but some abortions are not. Even worse, he is blind to his own hypocrisy.

Men, It's Time To Be A Daddy

It all too ironic that while women have been home raising the children, men have
been in politics making laws concerning women and their bodies. Men have used
their power in politics and religion to control and dominate women by telling us
what they think we can morally do with our own bodies. Imagine the arrogance!
That any man believes he has any place at all tell me what is legal for me to do with
my own body! This is why there needs to be more women legislators and religious

I don't see men rushing to change societal expectations for maternal responsibility
concerning child rearing. I don't see them demanding the right to be more
responsible fathers or to play a more integral part in their children's lives. In fact, if
they did then they would be entitled to more say in the abortion issue. But why
should they want things to change? They've got it made in the shade. If things
changed, they'd have to pull their own weight, give up some of their own career
pursuits, and go home at a decent hour to the child waiting for dinner and a caring

In short, when men start choosing to be fathers, that's when they will have the right
to pipe in on whether women can choose to be mothers. Until then men, your
opinion just doesn't matter.

Why Men Should Have No Say On The Abortion Issue

About the Author: Stella Ramsaroop is a western world traveler, a life- long student, a wanna-be stargazer, and an Aquarius in all its forms (if you know what that means). Her articles emphasize the importance of the continued development and protection of gender equality in all aspects of a woman's life.

Stella is also the proud mother of four almost-grown children with her significant other Paul, whom she married almost 20 years ago.

Visit Stella’s Website at [http://www.newsparade.com/index.htm]

How Do Sexually Transmitted Diseases Affect Pregnant Women and Their Babies?

Sexually transmitted diseases or STD's is an infection or a virus that is passed through a sexual contact between two individuals. A sexual contact can be either through anal sex, oral or vaginal sex. This disease may be present in one individual and can be passed on to others through sexual contact, or can be acquired through the usage of an infected needle, through breastfeeding or even during childbirth.

Pregnant women also can be infected with the STD as any other women may be victim to it. Pregnant women who are infected with the disease may put themselves and their babies at the risk of loosing their lives. Thus every woman must take extra care before and during pregnancy. Women must refrain from having sexual contact with different men, and rather be committed to having sexual relations with a single man who has been checked for STD's and known to be clear of the infection. Men should also make sure that they use proper latex condoms, and is used in the right manner to avoid any kind of infections.

Abortion Clinic

Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomoniasis, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, HIV, Syphilis, Herpes simplex virus 2 and Chlamydia are the different kinds of STD's seen occurring in pregnant women. Bacterial Vaginosis is the most common type of STD seen in pregnant women. It is characterized by symptoms such as vaginal itching, discharge with a fishy odour and experiencing pain when passing urine. Trichomoniasis is a kind of infection that can be even acquired through damp cloth, toilet seats or any wet cloth that the genital areas come in contact with .Bacterial Vaginosis and Genital herpes is the most common STD among pregnant women in the US. Genital herpes has clear symptom which are-sores in vagina or penis, fever, headaches, pain in leg, when passing urine and itching, burning or swelling of genitals among other symptoms.

It has been researched that STD infections usually occur without any prominent symptoms and are said to be a silent disease. Many pregnant women wouldn't know if they are suffering from STD's till the onset of serious complications.STD's can be a cause of cervical cancer, infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease among other complications and onsets in pregnant women. The disease can also cause an early labour to pregnant women and may also cause a uterine infection after the baby has been delivered. This is due to the rupturing of the membrane surrounding the baby in the uterus. The STD infection breaks the membrane around the baby thus causing the infection to the uterus.

Sexually transmitted diseases may be transferred to the baby while it is in the womb or while it is being born. The infection will affect the baby's weight, making him very weak to almost below 5 pounds. The disease can also cause an infection to the baby's blood; damage the brain, deafness, eye infections, acute hepatitis or blindness. These diseases may be visible at birth or may be detected only after months or years.

The STD's of the mother can be so harmful and serious to the baby that it may also cause a still birth delivery. Thus STD affects both the pregnant women and her baby in various drastic ways and means.

To your Health!

How Do Sexually Transmitted Diseases Affect Pregnant Women and Their Babies?

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996. Florida Abortion Clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling.