5 Essential Screening Tests Every Woman Should Have

Women have become quite alert about the kind of diseases they can get. So, they start getting some tests done for them so that they can get cure for the respective ailments when detected. Any late detection can cause death and serious implications.

Cholesterol is another factor which has been perturbing women since many years. Women who have higher levels of bad cholesterol in their diets can get heart disease. So, the incidence of this disease can be found by doing a lipid profile of a woman.

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Even women are quite prone to type 2 diabetes. This disease happens in obese women. In fact, the blood glucose can be measured after two hours have elapsed since breakfast had been consumed. Now, the vulnerability to this disease decides the frequency of the tests. Frequency of the tests can be as high as 2 years after the age of 45 if the woman is fit. But, this frequency can be higher when the woman is not fit and has disease running in the family.

Osteoporosis is an ailment that affects a large number of women. This ailment makes the bones of a woman quite weak. It happens due to bone loss. This bone loss happens in any woman after the occurrence of menopause. So, the right test which can help in the detection of this ailment is Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. When the ailment osteoporosis is detected, it can help in avoiding any kind of bone fractures caused due to it. I fact, all kinds of women whose ages are more than 65 years, should opt for this test. This test should also be done by women who are not 65 yet if they have such disease in the family.

Colorectal cancer can also happen in a woman. So, colonoscopy can be done to find the occurrence of this ailment. This ailment can be detected by using both the camera and a tube which is poked inside the rectum. The screening tests for this ailment can be done after a woman has turned 50 years old. Another kind of test which can be used to reveal this ailment is sigmoidoscopy which only involves checking the downwards colon section.

Glaucoma can also have serious affects for women. This ailment can also cause blindness when optic nerve is completely destroyed. People who are more than 50 years old can get this disease. It can also happen when there is a legacy of this disease. Even consumption of steroids can cause it. It's important that women who are fit should have done the tests after every two years. For people, who are between 40 to 54 years of age should have the tests conducted after one or 3 years. The frequency of tests can be more when the age of the woman is between fifty five to 64. The frequency can be as high as 6 months to 1 year for women who are aged more than 65.

5 Essential Screening Tests Every Woman Should Have

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortion pill, physical examinations, family planning and counseling.

Hypotension - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hypotension is the name given to low blood pressure. The victim of this condition has a blood pressure lower than 90/60 mmHG.

Sometimes shock can also cause such a low pressure. So the patients should try to refrain from being a part of scary circumstances. Even consuming water and adding more salt to the diet can be beneficial. However, one should talk to a doctor about the same. Patients should also recognize their own conditions of a decreased pressure so that they can avoid seizures. It's better to relax and place the head amid knees to increase blood pressure.

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A person feels quite lightheaded most of the times due to this ailment. One should get check up from a doctor due to this dizziness. It is because low blood pressure can also cause fainting. This hypotension is also companied with other features like a lack of breath, pain in the chest and hardness in the neck. It can also produce headaches and a running fever of more than 101 degrees Celsius.

Now, there can be many causes of low pressure. It can occur due to changes in the hormonal balance of a person along with an expansion of the blood vessels. Even side effects of a certain medication can also produce such pressure. A person who is suffering from anemia can also get hypotension. This can cause blood loss, which is produced due to inadequate intake of fluids.

Weak pressure causes can be due to hormonal changes, widening of blood vessels, medicine side effects, heart & endocrine problems. So, if you have been starving yourself for a long time, you are likely to get this disease as it reduces blood pressure. Sometimes, a high utilization of diuretics can also cause a low volume of blood resulting in low pressure. Sometimes, a low performance of heart can also cause such blood pressure. Such blood pressure can also cause a cardiac shock. Even use of beta lockers can produce such hypotension because they reduce the heart rate.

So, this condition can be cured by the doctors using an integrated network of hormones, nerves and receptors. This can reduce the impact of the nervous system and increase the blood pressure. Such network of hormones, nerves and receptors is called an autonomic nervous system. It can allow the individuals to maintain a normal blood pressure during many diseases and activities which can cause it to dip down. One can cure the symptoms of this disease by indulging in activities like consuming a lot of water and reducing any intake of alcohol. One can also introduce some changes in the diet like eating smaller carbohydrate meals so that hypotension does not arise. You can also think about wearing high compression stockings so that your legs don't swell due to such reduced blood pressure. But, consult a doctor before using such stockings. He can prescribe them for you.

Hypotension - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortion pill, physical examinations, family planning and counseling.

A Close Look at Condoms

The condom has a colorful history. Cave paintings show that it was used during prehistoric times. Historians have no idea what the early condoms were made of but the ancient Romans made theirs from the guts and bladders of animals. In addition to being elastic, animal cecum had a fineness and strength which made it an excellent sheath.

Surprisingly, condoms were not considered a contraceptive device in those days. They were advocated as a means of preventing the spread of venereal disease. The first one to promote condoms for this purpose was the Italian Dr. Gabriello Fallopio. In his book "De Morbo Gallico" published in 1564, Fallopio recommended the use of a linen sheath to protect people from syphilis.

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The condom entered the English vocabulary through the efforts of the English Doctor Conton who improved its design. When the contraceptive function of condoms became known in the 18th century, they became even more popular.

One of the earliest condom manufacturers was a woman named Mrs. Phillips whose brand was made from dried sheep gut. With the vulcanization of rubber in 1844, less expensive condoms were available. Most condoms now are made of latex, which is derived from rubber, but skin condoms made from lamb cecum are still around.

With the spread of AIDS and concern about safe sex, condoms have become one of the most popular contraceptives in America. This barrier method which is used by men also happens to be a woman's best friend.

In the United States and Canada, sales of condoms amount to more than a billion dollars yearly with women as most of the buyers.

"Heeding public health warnings, Americans have helped boost condom sales more than 60 percent over the past two-and-a-half years. People who had never considered condoms before - women and gay men, especially - are now buying and using them. Women, for example, purchase 40 to 50 percent of condoms today, up from 10 percent a few years ago. Often the women are single, and often it's disease - not birth control that's on their mind," according to the editors of Consumer Reports.

"One reason for the popularity of condoms is that they are easy to obtain. Condoms are available without a prescription in drugstores and can be purchased in vending machines in some men's restrooms. They are available in various materials, ranging from rubber to animal skin; they come with or without a lubricant, and they are packaged in small and large quantities. Packaged condoms are good for at least two years," said Dr. David E. Larson, editor-in-chief of the "Mayo Clinic Family Health Book." (Next: Can you trust condoms?)

A Close Look at Condoms

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine http://www.HealthLinesNews.com

To enjoy sex in your later years, keep fit, eat right and love life. That simple advice can go a long way in preserving your sex life. For extra help, take Fematril, a safe and natural female sexual enhancer that can stimulate your mind and body. For details, go to http://www.fematril.com

Metastatic Breast Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

In women, breast cancer is the common type of cancer and it is affecting one out of eight women. At any time, this cancer may develop and the risk increases with developing of cancer as the women get older. In most of the post-menopausal women, it is common and with the increase in age will increase the risk as well.

When the cancer is spread beyond the breast, then it is said to be in metastatic state. This means that cancer has traveled from breast to another part of the body. The cells of cancer will travel through blood vessels or lymphatic system.

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As of today, the breast cancer like any other forms of cancer is considered as one of the final outcomes of multiple hereditary and environmental factors. The risk of breast cancer will be increased by 70% in young people by inhaling the secondhand smoke and primarily menopausal women are affected by this.


So many fears are elicited by breast cancer including the ones that are related to surgery, loss of body image, death and loss of sexuality and however, if the breast caner is diagnosed earlier, then it is curable. Therefore, it always recommended doing a regular self screening of the body. Usually, the breast cancer will show thickening or lump in the breast tissues but not all the breast lumps are cancerous.

Often, the breast cancer will occur in left breast and also in the upper quadrant. Other than the lump, the indications of this cancer include skin dimpling, changes in breast shape and size, spontaneous discharge of single nipple or nipple inversion.


In order to treat the breast cancer, controversies are still raging all over the world. The options to treat the breast cancer include chemotherapy, surgery, herceptin, hormonal therapies, radiotherapy and other complementary treatments.

Whenever the tumor is localized, surgery is the mainstay of the treatment. Some of the surgeries include the possible hormonal therapy (with aromatase inhibitor or with the tamoxifen), radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy.

MammaPrint test is the first tests that became one of the first breast cancer predicator, which won the formal approval of the USFDA. This is a new type of gene test, which will predict whether women with the early stage of cancer will replace in about 5 to 10 years. This test will help to influence on how aggressively the tumor in the initial stages can be treated.

ILT (Interstitial Laser thermotherapy) is one of the innovative methods that are used to treat the breast cancer through minimal invasive manner. This method does not involve any surgical procedures. This procedure will not have any adverse effect on health and during the intermediate follow-up; the survival rate of the patient is high.

Routine mammography of the women aged more than 40 to 50 years is very much recommended by many science institutes. By doing so, if there is cancer, then it can be detected at the earlier stages and it can be treated effectively at early stages.

Metastatic Breast Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Abortion Clinic -- Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996. Florida Abortion Clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling.

Men and Fatherhood - Pregnancy and Birth

Becoming a father awakens new and beautiful feelings in a man. Even for men, fatherhood, pregnancy and birth have great meaning. Most men these days are not content being just breadwinners. They want to be there to nurture their babies and be active in parenting. This quite a shift from what it used to be just 20 to 30 years ago.

Becoming a father is a transformation where a man comes in contact with deep emotional feelings. The depth of this feeling cannot be expressed in words. A whole new world of feelings open up for a man when he sees his wife or partner progressing through pregnancy and then giving birth. Many women appreciate the new awakening of feelings in their spouse or partner but they do not really understand it completely.

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When a man becomes a father, he is filled with excitement, fear, worry, wonder, love and confusion. Men in the US are not prepared for the transition. They are not prepared to transform to fathers. However, they can ease the transition by participating in prenatal classes. Many men start preparing for fatherhood at the time of pregnancy. They start developing a bond with their child. You will find expectant fathers laying their hands on their partner's or spouse's belly and talking to their babies. Fathers can become involved by helping to choose the doctor or being involved where the child should be born.

Today we see more and more men willing to participate in the birth process. They want to be there with their partners and they want to be there for their partners. They want to offer support and love. Being present during the birth of your child can be one the most important moments in your live. This moment will also bring you closer to your spouse or partner. Even expectant fathers need support when their baby is going to be born. This support is usually in the form of a male friend who is available should they need him.

No doubt, for a man, fatherhood, pregnancy and birth are every emotional and men are now beginning to bond with their children a lot earlier than what they used to. Above all an expectant father is realizing the benefits of bonding with his child and wife or partner and he is also taking time to understand what it means to be a man and a father.

Men and Fatherhood - Pregnancy and Birth

About Author:

Pauline Go is a professional writer for many parenting websites. She also writes other great articles like Signs Of Miscarriage, Find Abortion Clinic Near Me, Parenting Advice On Teen Drinking

Trichomoniasis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Trichomoniasis or most commonly known as Trich and is considered to be the main cause of vaginitis. It spreads through external water sources and is also considered to be a sexually transmitted disease or STD. It is manly the infection of the urogenitical tract.


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Motile flagellated protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis is the root cause for the infection Trichomoniasis. With this parasite, worldwide around 174 million people are affected and it is the sexually transmitted infection and making it one of curable infection in the world.

15mm is the average size of Trichomoniasis (not visible to naked eyes). This parasite's reproduction occurs every 8 t o12 hours. Of the infected female partners 67% to 100% and male partners 14% to 60% this parasite Trichomoniasis was isolated. It is unclear that more than male why females are affected more. Zinc contains are found in the fluid prostatic is one of the harmful chances to trichomonads.



-Swelling in the scrotum (A pouch of skin that contains epididymides, lower portions of the spermatic cords and the testes).
-Pain while urination
-Discharge of urethral
-The majority of the males have no symptoms


-Vaginal discharge
-Itchy, smelly and typically foamy and frothy discharge
-During urination pain is possible (a sensation which is unpleasant that ranges from discomfort to agony and mild. It also has emotional and physical components)
-Itching in vagina
-Gray green or yellow discharge
-Infected females up to one third have no symptoms
-When the itching is started you have to take the medical care

Treatment: Self Care At Home

The treatment to this infection is of the choice antibiotics of the doctor. In addition some medicine therapies are available to the antibiotics. No scientific evidences support these therapies for use. Without an doctor's consult and antibiotics which is appropriate should not be used this is called home therapy (using your own medicine),by doing home therapy it would lead to many sexually transmitted diseases which are very harmful to our body like Chlamydia or gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV. To increase the parasite killing activity you can add the juice of lemon to the following douches:

-One quart of water to one quart of vinegar
-Yogurt douches
-You can also try aromatherapy which helps to reduce the irritation during urinal

Medical Treatment:

The choice of the treatment is metronidazole (flagyl) except in the first trimester of your pregnancy and also it is important to note that not to consume alcohol during the drug consumption. This treatment is very large single dose which is effective very much. Partners should take care that though your partner might not have the symptoms it is safe to have your partner is evaluated and treated or else you may be infected.

May be your partner may be given a very large dose of this treatment or will be treated of the period of seven days. Or your doctor may not give the prescription without routinely examining your partner.

-So to avoid this infection safe sex and hygiene are helpful to prevent this infection.
-Do wear condoms during sex
-Towels and swimsuits should not be shared (until 45 minutes, because trichomonads are active till 45 minutes)
-Before and after intercourse do wash
-After swimming the public pool do have a shower

To Your Health!

Trichomoniasis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Abortion Clinic

Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996.

Florida Abortion Clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling.

Better Social Life - How to Overcome Extreme Shyness

Shyness is a major human problem. All over the world, people feel perturbed by this problem at one time or another. Shyness is known as social anxiety disorder (SAD). It can cause problems when a person just cannot move around people. It becomes a handicap for him/her. Such kind of shyness can cause people to stay away from crowds and gatherings. It can have huge impacts on their social lives and careers. The reasons, which lead to such shyness, are a low self-respect, depression and the aim to be perfect. Such socially shy people also avoid situations that require them to interact more. This includes opportunities of promotion.

A person can get rid of such shyness through many ways. Make sure that you try to inculcate yourself into the social set ups. Try to move out as frequently as you can. Generally, shyness is also accompanied by factors like excessive sweating of the hands and trembling. Such kind of reactions can be cured by biofeedback training.

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Most of the shy people even try to avoid meeting people just across the street often veering into other directions.

Psychologists have often suggested that refraining from social encounters makes the condition of a person quite worse. This can worsen the shyness problem. In fact, it makes him believe in all those fears. Therefore, doctors motivate people to think about the situation in a new manner so that they are able to overcome the fear. Apart from that, they can also be made to partake in such situations so that they do not hate social exposure. Even behavioral therapy has been used on such people to get them out of the shyness problem. Most of the cognitive treatments focus on going into the past of a person so that he/she does not feel shy anymore. Maybe, some incidents of the past are responsible for his condition now.

Drugs are also useful for making a person combat this kind of a social anxiety. Such drugs include anti depressants. SSRO (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors), drugs can ensure that a person becomes more sociable. These drugs help a person in redoing the quantity of own thoughts which lead to such social shyness.

There can be amazing results once drugs are used to cure this problem. However, what when the drugs are not taken any more. A person will feel shyer. These days SSRI drugs are taken by so many people to reduce the social anxiety problems in North America. Sometimes, such drugs can have side effects like insomnia, sexual dysfunction and weight gain.

Even kids who have been victims of bullying at schools can become socially shy when they grow up. If someone has been criticised a lot due to bad parenting, he/she can also end up as someone who is socially shy. Curing such shyness in time is important because otherwise a person can also damage to himself/herself as an act of depression.

Better Social Life - How to Overcome Extreme Shyness

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortion pill, physical examinations, family planning and counseling.

5 Essential Health Tips For Longer Life and Well Being

There could be several ways of looking at life and there could be several approaches to make sure that one has a long and healthy life. There could be medical ways of doing so, there could be psychological ways of doings so, by taking care of the diet and exercising could be another way to approach the subject. However, if you are someone who likes to water the roots and not the leaves should follow these five amazing essentials for a healthy long life.

1 - Slowing Down is the first secret to long, healthy and a happy life. In the modern day world we are running from one pole to the other. We have deadlines imposed so that we could world better and more efficiently. Unknowingly we are trying to compete with the machines. Forgetting it completely that we are not machine and human body has its own capabilities and limitations. Slowing down and acknowledging the body's need to rest is very important as well. Hence, try to calm down and try not to squeeze yourself between schedules. Give time to yourself.

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2 - Nourishing your body is another indispensable aspect of keeping oneself healthy. Eating food which has all the required components to keep the body working well is required. Skipping meals or grabbing junk food is the worst that you could do to your body. Healthier you would eat, the more health years you would be adding to your life. Green vegetables and essential vitamin intake in the daily diet would make a lot of difference.

3 - Exercising is another way of keeping the body healthy. While we exercise, the amount of oxygen which is dispensed is more and thus the body functions better. At the same time, this allows the body to be more active and helps it to build a strong immune system against the diseases. In case someone is not to inclined to have an exercising regime, taking a 30 minutes walk every day would be enough to keep your body in shape for good and healthier life.

4 - Facing the fears one has could also have positive effect on our body and health. Fear, anxiety, stress are the most negative feeling that could shatter the body and mind. The only way to keep away from these is to stand up and confront the same. Confronting a problem would mean that you face is and resolve it rather than hiding from it and being developing a fear. The fear would wreck your body and mind more than the actual problem can harm you.

5 - Practicing compassion may sound like a religious discourse to some but it works. Human kindness and compassion is an essential part of our personality. Ignoring that completely would hold you back from blossoming and thus to have a long healthy life. This can help control the stress and anxiety and would make a person go calmer.

All the other ways of ensuring a long life would be branching from the above five points. Fancy names and colored terms could be provided to those, but the basics would be the same as listed above.

5 Essential Health Tips For Longer Life and Well Being

Abortion Clinic Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996. Florida Abortion Clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling.

Cataracts - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Cataracts are a severe eye inflicted problem that can make life miserable for people. Cataracts can be caused due to age and diseases like diabetes.

One can eliminate the symptoms of this ailment through anti glare sunglasses. However, surgery is quite effective when these measures do not yield any results. A victim can take an intelligent decision about the option of surgery after evaluating its pros and cons. The eye care specialist can aid him in taking this decision. Since cataract, impairs the normal flow of life by reducing and eliminating vision, its timely rectification is necessary. One can postpone the decision to have surgery but it only makes the matters worse by ruining the vision. It also becomes tougher to conduct surgery when the cataract has existed for a long time. Sometimes, treating this problem is necessary even if it does not obstruct vision. It can make it impossible for the doctor to check another eye for problems like muscle loss due to aging.

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Therefore, any person above the age of 40 can develop cataracts. However, one has to be at least 60 years old, so that cataracts can also impair the vision. Common symptoms of this ailment are hazed vision, fading of colors when you see them and a weak night vision.

Cataract generally occurs in old people when they have developed eye ailments like glaucoma. They can also be caused due to consumption of steroids. Sometimes, eyes can get hurt in accidents, which can lead to an incidence of this ailment after years.

There are many reasons behind the occurrence of cataract. Apart from factors like aging, this disease can also occur due to genetic factors. Congenital cataract can happen to babies. However, this kind of cataract does not have an adverse impact on vision. If it has, a person might require an eye transplant surgery, which involves replacement of both eye lenses. Even exposure to radiation can also produce this ailment.

A person can also suffer from double vision. He/she can see several images of the same object. In fact, if a person wears prescription glasses, then his number increases frequently. Cataract can be detected through complex medical exams. Such exams can reveal how well you can see from different distances. Such tests are visual acuity test, tonometry and dilated eye exam. In the former, an eye chart is used to measure your eyesight. In the dilated eye exam, the eye pupil is stretched through drops. After that, the eye specialist inspects the retina through a magnifying lens to find any eye damage. The vision is not normal after this exam is over. In fact, the near vision is obscure for hours. In the last kind of test, tonometry, an instrument is used to gauge the eye pressure. Eye drops that reduce the pain are added before commencing the test. In this ailment, a clump forms on the pupil of the eye

Cataracts - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortion pill, physical examinations, family planning and counseling.

America - The Old Cowboy That Rides Off Into the Sunset

It isn't nostalgia that pulls the heart to better days but a specific cognizance that such times and events have turned a corner and rather than just being a "change" it promises to be more of a demise, perhaps a collision.

After forty years of explaining biblical prophecy to people I now find myself more amazed than ever before that the fulfillment of the prophecies is quickly overtaking my ability to proclaim them.

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In between all the voices and pictures on the news I heard a newscaster exclaim how he dealt with his children's perception of current events. He told his children to read at least one article from the daily paper each day and discuss it together. His son approached him after reading an article with the question "is the world going to end?"

He answered his son by saying that we can just do more positive things and take heart that we have a great new president and life will go on and just be OK.

I don't need to write a dozen more paragraphs to explain why I think the son had a better grip on the matter than his father but I do need to say that America only needs a reminder not an explanation to see the truth.

If keeping the body lean, the planet green and the truth unseen is what dad meant by being positive then what can we say. The very same dad-newscaster was going to be interviewing America's most popular positive thinking guru Joel Osteen later that day.

Pointing out the terrible things that happen daily around the nation is anything but positive but even Osteen can't stop the flow of the latest stories from all over America. The truth is that no amount of positive hyperbole is sufficient to balance, offset or equalize the raw statistics of the state of the nation. Ignoring these things does not mean the country is OK anymore than hyping them up makes anyone more comfortable, so where is the balance. Let's see.

While commentators are debating every nuance of the stock market and discussing the economy as if all life hung in the balance, in the real America, real life actually is, hanging in the balance.

While everyone from Barack Obama to John Doe is decrying genocide in Darfur, Americans are still killing the unborn at the rate of 4000 per day. In fact more people die at the hands of abortion clinic doctors in one week than in the entire 8 year long Iraq war. Should I mention that the soldiers in Iraq at least had a choice?

We debate teachers pay but don't spend too much time asking why our kids have the highest suicide rate in the world and the lowest academic averages. More than fifty thousand children disappear each year and over 800,000 people are sold into slavery yearly around the world and many of them right here in America. Millions of Americans use dangerous addictive drugs and recreational drugs and have created the largest demand for such substances in the entire world. Why don't they just do positive things instead or go plant a tree?

Turning the eyes away from the horrific in America is not much different than ignoring the smoke bellowing out of the Nazi prison camp cremation ovens. You can put the thought out of the mind but the stench still assaults the nostrils. No amount of positive thinking or celebrating a new president makes us any less culpable.

Gone is the day when people listened to the humble country preacher who compelled them to sink to their knees and in confession turn, repent and receive the Spirit of God into their lives and begin a new life. Now it takes a thousand book writers and mega church pastors or internet websites that still tell the old story of redemption through the cross of Jesus Christ. Only the message is ignored now but soon the messengers will be systematically silenced. That too is prophecy!

Be it prophet or preacher now is the day for treading the fine line between the message of "whosoever will may come" and the warning "don't cast your pearls before the swine." But then again we who follow Him have a different King and Sovereign whose mandates will always take precedence over any law new or old.

Does America really think it can enter a new era where abortion, homosexuality, pornography and general licentiousness will be the norm? Apparently it does. Collective dissimulation does little in Gods eyes to remove culpability. If the whole world believes something is right it can still be dead wrong. In fact that is what prophecy is all about. It is about a day when mankind will totally go reprobate, it is a day just before the day when Christ has to return.

The swagger and full acceptance of bad behavior emboldens the sinner and the delay of retribution strengthens the recalcitrant. The apostle Peter addressed this very condition by saying "Knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." (2Pet 3: 3, 4) The gap between the promise and the fulfillment causes people to think anything goes.

America's grace period is about to run out. The call to repentance will still go forth but now it will be heard and acted upon by fewer. Of the few things that God ever revealed to me through scripture or other means one message that was always appendaged to the revelations was "not many will come out."

I have watched as America has replaced the knowledge of God with just about everything they can conger up; evolutionary doctrine, secularism, political correctness, sexual revolutions, Hollywood claptrap, perversions, visions of space travel to the stars just to name a few. What we have as a result of all this is a nation that thinks it can plant a tree, talk to its enemies, do a little positive thing everyday and all will just be fine. This naiveté may look innocuous but it reads more like the end of a nation not a great new change.

My ministry has by its nature always tended to parallel that of the end times prophet Micah but I will borrow from the story of the prophet Jonah so no one thinks I can't see hope. Jonah was told to preach to the city of Nineveh and if they wouldn't hear, God was going to simply destroy it. They did repent and God did not touch it. America could turn as well. Will it? You alone can answer that.

America - The Old Cowboy That Rides Off Into the Sunset

Rev Bresciani is the author of two Christian books one that is entirely on the second coming of Christ. He is a contributing columnist for several online news and commentary sites. His articles are read throughout the world. Please enjoy a visit to http://www.americanprophet.org

Insomnia and Poor Quality Sleep - Causes and Treatments

Insomnia is irregular wakefulness, inability to sleep or poor quality sleep. This problem might cause during daytime, like lack of energy, tiredness, irritability and difficulty concentrating. Some level of this problem is experienced by everyone. It is as simple as not able to fall asleep, as changes made in sleeping patterns or excitement of next day. A symptom of Night time eating syndrome may be Insomnia.

Different classifications of Insomnia are chronic, intermittent and transient. The short term insomnia is transient insomnia, which lasts from single night to couple of weeks. Insomnia which occurs on and off is Intermittent Insomnia. The constantly occurred insomnia is chronic insomnia.

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This problem can be caused by different things. The people who are experiencing stress, extreme temperatures, change in surrounding environment, environmental noise, wake/sleep schedule problems like medication side effects is caused by intermittent and transient insomnia. The chronic insomnia cause is more complex than intermittent and transient insomnia causes. It results in the combination of factors which includes mental disorders or underlying physical. Chronic insomnia is most commonly caused by depression.

Other substances or medications may also cause insomnia like tobacco, caffeine, stimulants, alcohol, nicotine, sedatives, certain allergy, theophylline and cold medicines. The primary causes of insomnia include medical or emotional conditions. Some life changes can cause long term insomnia like changes in their work schedule, major life problems, emotional upsets like relationship break up, long lasting stress and Gastrointestinal disorders like heartburn.

The non-drug treatments of insomnia:

The treatment not only includes medications, but even behavioral modifications for long term results and sleep habitat. To manage insomnia, it is important to evaluate sleep habitats. In some cases changing sleep schedule might correct the problem without any medications.

The good sleep habitat includes a comfortable quite room at comfortable temperature and a comfortable bed, regular sleep times, appropriate lighting, regular exercises, not late in evenings or close to bed time, avoid naps during day time and relaxations techniques like breathing exercise.

The OTC (Over the Counter) medicines for insomnia are advisable only for short term and transient insomnia. The OTC drugs should not be used for short period conjunction, with having changes in sleeping habitats. These drugs when used for chronic results in dependence on them. Where it creates a problem, that sleep is not possible till the use of drug. Chromic insomnia should be evaluated by physicians.

The Antihistamines for insomnia:

Doxylamine (for e.g. Unisom) and Diphenhydramine (for e.g. Nytol, Sominex) are marketed as OTC drugs. Diphenhydramine is the agent which is considered to be effective and safe by drug and food administration. The effectiveness and safety of doxylamineis not adequately evaluated for FDA approval. The causes of Diphenhydramine include motion, allergy, cough suppression and sickness.

The drug interactions for insomnia:

Doxylamine and Diphenhydramine add medications which causes drowsiness and the tranquilizer of alcohol.

The side effects for insomnia:

Doxylamine and Diphenhydramine also cause dry mouth, difficulty in urinating and constipation. Both the drugs worsen the symptoms of asthma, prostate gland enlargement, glaucoma and heart problems.

To Your Health!

Insomnia and Poor Quality Sleep - Causes and Treatments

Abortion Clinic

Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996.

Florida Abortion Clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling.

4 Important Questions To Ask About Childbirth

The first thing you should learn about childbirth is the number of choices available to you. There are many different ways that a mother and the baby can be taken care of during labor and birth. Some places offer better and healthier birthing environment for mothers than others. That is it is important for you to ask questions about childbirth so that you have one of best settings at the time of childbirth.

Important Questions to ask about childbirth:

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Question 1: Who can be with you during labor and birth?
Most mother-friendly centers, hospitals and home birth services allow the mother to decide who can be with her during the birth. This can include the father, partner, children, friends or other family members. This makes it easier for mother to have the person with when she goes training in helping her cope with labor and birth.

Question 2: What happens during a normal labor and birth in your hospital/center?

The place where you decide should have your baby should be mother-friendly. They should be equipped to handle all aspects of labor and birth. For example, you should consider how often the place gives drugs to speed up the birth? Or, does the place believe in letting the labor and birth take its own time? You should also consider how often the place does certain procedures like C-sections?

Question 3: Will you be allowed to walk and move around during labor?

Most places that offer the best to mothers in labor allow you to walk and move around during labor. You are also allowed to choose positions that are most comfortable for you and which work the best for you.

Question 4: Besides drugs, how does the place help mothers to relieve labor pain?

The place where you decide to have your baby should have many ways of dealing with labor pain besides drugs, as many women do not want to take drugs. This means that should suggest things like changing your position, taking a warm relaxing bath, having a massage or using music to make you comfortable. You should not be forced to take a drug for pain unless you really need it as all drugs affect babies.

4 Important Questions To Ask About Childbirth

About Author:

Pauline Go is a professional writer for many parenting websites. She also writes other great articles like Signs Of Miscarriage, Find Abortion Clinic Near Me, Parenting Advice On Teen Drinking

Human Papillomavirus Infection - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Human Papillomavirus Infection also known as HPV. There are many kinds of HPV; the number could be more than 100. This is a virus that causes skin infection and infection in the mucous membrane. The other kinds of HPV could be responsible for causing cancer as well. This is a contagious disease and could be transmitted from one person to the other through sexual contact as well. In fact, in countries like Canada this is the most commonly sexually transmitted disease.

The HPV are not generally harmful in case it is not leading to cancer but could be embarrassing at the same time. The HPV is classified as the low risk one and the high risk HPV. The bifurcation would depend upon the fact if these are just causing infection or these would end up causing cancer. A person affected by HPV would have skin warts, genital warts, cervical dysplasia, and cervical cancer.

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The major cause of the HVP is the breakthrough through the skin. It would get to the skin and would multiply and start to affect the skin. The person might not be able to know about the same for many weeks or months that he is infected with HPV. As mentioned HPV is transmitted through skin contact - using the same pool or equipments in the gym which has been used by a person infected by HPV could spread that to others as well. The expecting mother could be transmitting the same to the baby during labor. The children and the young adults are more prone to this. People who have multiple sexual partners could fall prey to HPV. Most commonly, people with the weak immune system could be caught into the HPV net.

The signs and symptoms of the HPV would vary from person to person. Not only this, you might have the HPV infection for years, but there would not be any symptoms on the surface. This makes it really difficult to be detected. Though, the common symptoms would be warts around the knee, face, finger or nails. These would be painless. Flat warts, plantar warts, genital warts, cervical dysplasia or Precancerous lesions could be the other symptoms. HPV is confused with many other STD and that is what would make people to run to the doctor for diagnoses.

When it comes to treatment, there is no treatment for HPV as such. This is supposed to go away naturally through the body immune system. Though, the signs and the symptoms that have surfaced due to this could be put to rest with vaccine and medication. Most of the medication recommended for the HPV would be podophyllin solution which would be applied on the area affected. Warts could be removed surgically or by freezing or burning or using any other clinical method. Colposcopy could be the way of putting the cellular changes and cervical infection to rest. Biopsy could be needed in some cases.

To make sure that you don't catch the HPV preventive measures should be taken.

Human Papillomavirus Infection - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Abortion Clinic Tampa Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women. Legal Abortion Clinic, physical examinations, family planning and counseling.

Skin Care - Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Good Or Bad?

Most of the beauty products that that women use would have Alpha Hydroxy Acids which is also know as AHA. The reasons why this component is included in the beauty products are:

AHA is highly recommended for skin pigmentation. This helps to clear the old skin which is nothing but the dead skin cells and gives way to the underlying fresh and new skin cell. The process of exfoliation makes the skin clean, glowing and rejuvenated.

Abortion Clinic

The AHA has the capability to reduce the ageing signs. Thus, this is used in the products which are boasting to be anti ageing. Though, the deep wrinkles and other lines would not disappear overnight, but the gradual effect of the same can't be denied.

By leading the dry skin shed to bring the new skin cells to the surface helps women to look more vibrant and that is what the AHA is used extensively in the creams and moisturizes for dry skin.

There are many ladies out there who are really allergic to the sunlight. By using the AHA composition with the sunscreen lotion, the absorption of the same is increased and thus, one is protected from the sunrays.
Using beauty products with AHA would help taking care of the skin which is damaged by the sun.

Despite the above reasons that AHA should be used in the beauty products, like any other thing, there is a flip side to this as well. In case AHA is not used in right proportions then it may lead to skin allergies and irritations. Ironically AHA is used to better photoaging damage but incase it is used inappropriately it would encourage the same. Pigmentation scarring would also be the outcome of using AHA more than the required quantities in a beauty product.

The idea is not to use too much of AHA on the skin. The manufactures of the beauty products that use AHA as a marketing campaign would take due care to ensure that the quantities are right. However, if you are using a number of products with AHA you are using more AHA on your skin surface, which is sure to have its damaging result. Hence, it is for the best that you should use AHA beauty products in a limited fashion so that the overall use of AHA on your skin should not be more than desired.

The best is to use AHA powered exfoliant and moisturizer for your skin and rest of the beauty products should be minus the same. By having your exfoliant and moisturizer with AHA would let the skin absorb AHA, as these two are usually left on the skin of a longer period than the other beauty products. At the same time, your sun screen lotion should also have AHA.

Clearly, there is no doubt that AHA is good with all the above positive effects on the skin but only when it's use is limited. Thus, sticking to the boundaries.

Skin Care - Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Good Or Bad?

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including Abortion Clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services and sexually transmitted disease screening and counseling.

Alzheimer's Disease Prevention - Some Important Tips

Alzheimer is a most familiar form of dementia. Diagnosed generally in people of over the age of 65yrs. Common symptoms of Alzheimer's is usually mistaken to be age related problem or stress related manifestation. Most common symptom is memory loss where a person finds difficult to remember most recent events. Alzheimer's disease is confirmed with cognitive and behavioral test, followed by brain scan. As the disease grows to next stage symptoms also include, irritability, aggression, mood swings and confusion, language break down and long term memory loss.

Prevention is better than cure, and some recent findings suggest that individuals can reduce the risk of this disease by adopting a healthy lifestyle and diet system.

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Studies reveal that smoking at a latter stage in life that is after 65 years of age manifolds the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease by 79 percent. So in the best interest of your health it is advisable that you refrain from smoking.

Obesity is also considered as a factor which makes a person susceptible to Alzheimer's disease. Research has shown that an obese person is most likely to get Alzheimer's disease is three and half times more than a normal built person. Hence losing weight should be a priority for those who are over-weight.

Studies also highlight that consumption of certain nutrient contained foods can circumvent Alzheimer's disease. Consuming diet rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, olive oil, cereals and fish lowers the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. These nutrients help by giving protection from stress and also by reducing inflammation in brain.

Foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids are also considered to useful to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Found in foods like tuna, salmon and flaxseed they contain healthy fats also known to reduce cholesterol and other heart problems.

Another fundamental characteristic to prevent Alzheimer's disease is maintaining healthy lifestyle by managing stress in positive manner. Stress is also one of the contributing elements in the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Another main component of maintaining healthy and balanced lifestyle is exercise. Regular exercise reduces risk of numerous diseases including Alzheimer's. Exercise provides you with healthy mind and body and reduces stress.

Adequate sleep also contributes to prevention of Alzheimer's disease. So it is advisable to have appropriate sleep daily in order to prevent Alzheimer's and other numerous diseases.

Some specific things like vitamin B12, vitamin D and fish oils when incorporated in your life can also prove to be beneficial in lowering risk of Alzheimer's disease. These special supplements are believe to preserve memory and improve it as well.

Diabetes and stress too increases your chances of developing Alzheimer's disease. So always make it a point to keep stress and diabetes in control.

The cause of Alzheimer's disease is yet not known, so it is not easy to determine in surety what will prevent Alzheimer's. Unarguably healthy lifestyle is the best and only way to keep several diseases away. To sum it up adequate sleep, proper stress management and exercise can prove to be useful to lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

To Your Health!

Alzheimer's Disease Prevention - Some Important Tips

Abortion Clinic Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996. Free HIV Testing, physical examinations, family planning and counseling.

What Are the Chances of Having a Baby With Down Syndrome?

Fortunately 97 per cent of the babies born in the United States are perfectly normal.

The defects found in the other 3 per cent may be caused by:

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• hereditary factors

• mutations

• environmental factors

• disease or deficiency while in the womb

• damage at birth

• metabolic disorders.


Some abnormalities are carried from generation to generation, often by healthy people (carriers). The difficulties arise when two carriers have children, as they then have a one-in-four chance of having an abnormal child. If two carriers have normal children, they in turn may be carriers.

The most common diseases that are hereditary or have some hereditary factors are spina bifida and Down's syndrome. (The old name for Down's syndrome was mongolism, but this is now outdated.) Other conditions that may be partly hereditary include hare lip, cleft palate and hip joint dislocations. These conditions result from chromosomal abnormalities. Down's syndrome, for example, is caused by the presence of 47 chromosomes, instead of 46, in every cell. The risk of having a Down's syndrome child increases as the mother gets older.

Some inherited conditions are known as sex-linked recessive because they only affect one sex.

These conditions are shown in men much more often than in women; the mother can carry the disease without suffering from it. One example is haemophilia (a condition in which the blood fails to clot), which is caused by a sex-linked gene transmitted by the female. Although it can, extremely rarely, affect women, there is a one-in-two chance of a woman who carries it passing it on to her sons. Muscular dystrophy (a wasting of the muscles) is another example of a serious condition caused by abnormal recessive genes carried by the female and passed on mainly to males. Less serious sex-linked conditions include colour-blindness - about eight per cent of males are colour-blind, which is twenty times the figure for females.

Couples who are planning to have a family, but know that they run the risk of producing a child with an inherited disease or malformation, may seek the advice of a genetic counsellor at a genetic counselling clinic. The counsellor will study their family histories and with the help of tests may be able to assess how likely it is that they will have an affected child. The couple will then have to decide whether they want to take the risk of having a baby that might be handicapped. Genetic counselling can also be given to parents who have had one abnormal child, to give them some idea of the chances of this happening again.

Early tests such as ultrasound done during the first few weeks of pregnancy, either as a routine measure or to women known to be at risk of producing a handicapped child, can detect two to three per cent of abnormalities.

An expectant mother at risk of having a baby with spina bifida or Down's syndrome will be given an amniocentesis, a test in which a small amount of the amniotic fluid is drawn off and examined. This will show whether the abnormal condition is there. If it is, the parents will be offered genetic counselling to help them to decide whether to continue with the pregnancy or to have an abortion.

The UK Abortion Act (1967) allows for the termination of a pregnancy if there is a risk that the child will be born seriously handicapped. Abnormal foetuses are also more likely to be naturally or spontaneously aborted (when the woman is said to suffer a miscarriage) in the early weeks of pregnancy. Six out of ten aborted foetuses are found to have defective chromosomes.

What Are the Chances of Having a Baby With Down Syndrome?

To find out more about your chances of having a Downs Syndrome baby check out the charts and diagrams at http://www.babybirthbasics.com/testing-for-downs-syndrome-and-other-disorders.