Why Men Should Have No Say On The Abortion Issue

I had a discussion with a close male friend this week who says he is pro-choice - to
an extent. He went on for sometime sharing his views on abortion with me. While he
was talking I realized something very important - unless he is the father of the
fetus, what he says really doesn't matter because he's a man.

It really gets me steamed when a man sits in judgment of a woman who has had an
abortion. I just don't see how a man can speak to this issue at all. Why should men
need to establish any type of position at all on a subject that is clearly feminine by
nature? I know many are already cowering away from this article in fear of hell's fire.
Think about it though, there are several reason why men should not have a say in
what women do with their bodies.

Abortion Clinic

Congratulations Sir, You're Pregnant

For example, men have never had to face the decision of whether they should allow
a child to grow inside them. They have never been in the position of reconciling the
gift of life with the invasion of life. In fact, a man can just impregnate a woman and
walk away, which is exactly what many have done. If a man can have the right to
choose whether he wants the responsibility of fatherhood, shouldn't the woman
have the same choice concerning motherhood?

Men have never been in the position of having a foreign object growing in their
bodies and being told it would be immoral to want that object removed. Men cannot
relate to the feeling personal invasion brought about by an unwanted pregnancy or
the fears of being a single mother. The woman's body is used as a vessel for life,
but it should be each woman's decision as to whether she wants to be a vessel at
that point in her life.

Daddy Isn't Here, Sweetheart

Another reason men shouldn't have a say on the abortion issue is because since the
dawn of time women have carried the majority of the burden of child rearing while
the man pursues his own interests in life. Meanwhile, the wife is tied to the home to
raise the children that both of them created. Men cannot relate to the stifling feeling
that comes from being subjected to living a life as the primary care giver. In fact,
there should be no primary care giver at all, it should be a shared responsibility.
However, when the father is not around, the woman has no other choice.

The woman knows what having a child will mean to her personal life (and yes, her
life does matter too). Sometimes the changes are welcomed, other times the future
is very scary. A man can go on with his life, his career and his own interests with
little worry about his future other than being forced to set up the baby's crib before
the mother goes into labor - if that much. However, the mother's sacrifices and
responsibilities are endless and she knows how important it is to raise children who
are productive members of society. She can't fail - even if he does shrug his

Men have basically handed over parental responsibilities to the women and walked
away. Even the most well-intentioned father engages in but a small amount of the
parenting responsibilities. The women, with no other choice but to raise the children
since the father is out pursuing his career, or whatever it is that men do when they
are not at home with their families, are forced into a situation that may not even be
what that woman needs to thrive in life. She has no choice.

Does the man care that his selfishness could have a detrimental impact on the
woman? Nope. She's doing what society expects of her and he is doing whatever he
wants. It is especially difficult for women in these days when so many men just
abandon their responsibilities as fathers altogether and leave the woman completely
alone to raise the child as a single parent. Even when a father is physically around,
oft times he is not around emotionally. But again, the woman has no choice.

It Takes Two

The reason it takes both a man and a woman to make a child is because nature
knew it would take both a man and a woman to raise that child. When the man
shrugs his paternal obligation, the woman is left with a burden that wasn't meant to
be shouldered by one person.

So many conservatives believe women get recklessly pregnant and then use abortion
as birth control. This is just a tactic used to justify the imposition of their morals on
other people. Anyone who has ever been inside an abortion clinic knows abortion is
always a last resort for women. It's a desperate move to solve a desperate problem -
not a routine action.

What's even more ironic is that many times these conservatives would be the first to
rush their daughter to the abortion clinic just to save face if she ended up with an
unwanted pregnancy. Then they have the audacity to condemn the women who
choose to not have a baby because they couldn't afford to feed it or didn't want to
raise the child alone. In fact, the guy I mentioned at the start of this article
encouraged his girlfriend to have an abortion because he was afraid of what his
religious parents would think about an illegitimate child. He thinks what he did was
moral, but some abortions are not. Even worse, he is blind to his own hypocrisy.

Men, It's Time To Be A Daddy

It all too ironic that while women have been home raising the children, men have
been in politics making laws concerning women and their bodies. Men have used
their power in politics and religion to control and dominate women by telling us
what they think we can morally do with our own bodies. Imagine the arrogance!
That any man believes he has any place at all tell me what is legal for me to do with
my own body! This is why there needs to be more women legislators and religious

I don't see men rushing to change societal expectations for maternal responsibility
concerning child rearing. I don't see them demanding the right to be more
responsible fathers or to play a more integral part in their children's lives. In fact, if
they did then they would be entitled to more say in the abortion issue. But why
should they want things to change? They've got it made in the shade. If things
changed, they'd have to pull their own weight, give up some of their own career
pursuits, and go home at a decent hour to the child waiting for dinner and a caring

In short, when men start choosing to be fathers, that's when they will have the right
to pipe in on whether women can choose to be mothers. Until then men, your
opinion just doesn't matter.

Why Men Should Have No Say On The Abortion Issue

About the Author: Stella Ramsaroop is a western world traveler, a life- long student, a wanna-be stargazer, and an Aquarius in all its forms (if you know what that means). Her articles emphasize the importance of the continued development and protection of gender equality in all aspects of a woman's life.

Stella is also the proud mother of four almost-grown children with her significant other Paul, whom she married almost 20 years ago.

Visit Stella’s Website at [http://www.newsparade.com/index.htm]

How Do Sexually Transmitted Diseases Affect Pregnant Women and Their Babies?

Sexually transmitted diseases or STD's is an infection or a virus that is passed through a sexual contact between two individuals. A sexual contact can be either through anal sex, oral or vaginal sex. This disease may be present in one individual and can be passed on to others through sexual contact, or can be acquired through the usage of an infected needle, through breastfeeding or even during childbirth.

Pregnant women also can be infected with the STD as any other women may be victim to it. Pregnant women who are infected with the disease may put themselves and their babies at the risk of loosing their lives. Thus every woman must take extra care before and during pregnancy. Women must refrain from having sexual contact with different men, and rather be committed to having sexual relations with a single man who has been checked for STD's and known to be clear of the infection. Men should also make sure that they use proper latex condoms, and is used in the right manner to avoid any kind of infections.

Abortion Clinic

Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomoniasis, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, HIV, Syphilis, Herpes simplex virus 2 and Chlamydia are the different kinds of STD's seen occurring in pregnant women. Bacterial Vaginosis is the most common type of STD seen in pregnant women. It is characterized by symptoms such as vaginal itching, discharge with a fishy odour and experiencing pain when passing urine. Trichomoniasis is a kind of infection that can be even acquired through damp cloth, toilet seats or any wet cloth that the genital areas come in contact with .Bacterial Vaginosis and Genital herpes is the most common STD among pregnant women in the US. Genital herpes has clear symptom which are-sores in vagina or penis, fever, headaches, pain in leg, when passing urine and itching, burning or swelling of genitals among other symptoms.

It has been researched that STD infections usually occur without any prominent symptoms and are said to be a silent disease. Many pregnant women wouldn't know if they are suffering from STD's till the onset of serious complications.STD's can be a cause of cervical cancer, infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease among other complications and onsets in pregnant women. The disease can also cause an early labour to pregnant women and may also cause a uterine infection after the baby has been delivered. This is due to the rupturing of the membrane surrounding the baby in the uterus. The STD infection breaks the membrane around the baby thus causing the infection to the uterus.

Sexually transmitted diseases may be transferred to the baby while it is in the womb or while it is being born. The infection will affect the baby's weight, making him very weak to almost below 5 pounds. The disease can also cause an infection to the baby's blood; damage the brain, deafness, eye infections, acute hepatitis or blindness. These diseases may be visible at birth or may be detected only after months or years.

The STD's of the mother can be so harmful and serious to the baby that it may also cause a still birth delivery. Thus STD affects both the pregnant women and her baby in various drastic ways and means.

To your Health!

How Do Sexually Transmitted Diseases Affect Pregnant Women and Their Babies?

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996. Florida Abortion Clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling.

Death is Not a Choice

By David S. Roberts

This is a difficult subject with emotions running very deep on both sides of the issue. Many fear to approach this subject with good reason, few want to take the stand that I will and do because of my own deep convictions about this topic. In preparation for this article, several sad truths came to light. First, there is a deadly contradiction at work in American society. Second, there is an underlying value being ignored in American society. And third, there is a terrible apathy about this subject in American society. You will not agree with everything I write, and that's okay, I would simply ask that you listen and open your mind and your heart to the message.

Abortion Clinic

I. There is a Deadly Contradiction at Work.

We all saw the headlines. I don't think that there was one of us that wasn't shocked when we heard that Susan Smith drove that car into the lake with her children inside. She killed them because, now as a newly divorced mom, they had become inconvenient, disposable because her dating life was suffering. The outrage of the country was immediate, callers to radio stations everywhere demanding that she be dealt the same fate she gave her sons, trapped in a car, at the bottom of a lake.

Or what about Andrea Yates or Kasey Anthony what person with a quarter of a conscience didn't scream out, 'God what's happening?' Or what about the case of the man charged with vehicular homicide more than a few years ago because the pregnant woman he struck suffered a miscarriage? The outcry is there, a baby is dead and the mother suffers a loss, and the community cries out to stop this kind of misfortune, but give that same man a license and a clinic and the baby he just killed becomes just another 'fetus'. AND THERE IS NO OUTCRY!
What about the pregnant woman who was charged with, get this, 'reckless endangerment of LIFE' when she disregarded the judge's orders to quit using drugs and used again?
What about the teenager who was charged with felony child abandonment, when she left her newborn child in the trash bin in an alley?

We all think, how could a mother kill her own child? But given the right circumstances, not one of these crimes can be prosecuted because in some cases, the fetus is a baby, and in others it's just a mass of tissue.

There is a deadly contradiction at work here. The debate for abortion used to center around whether the fetus was really a living human. But the pro-abortion folk lost that debate in every round, so the debate has changed focus. Whether the fetus is human or not is no longer the issue. It's PRO-CHOICE!

For the woman who wants her unborn child, the man who kills the child, accidentally, is charged with murder. For the woman who doesn't want the child, she is charged 5 by a man who kills her child legally. For the Andrea Yates or Kasey Anthonys' of the world, they are considered monsters, for the woman emerging from the abortion clinic, she is a hero of liberal causes. There is also a deadly contradiction in the news media, (surprised?) We all heard about the Florida abortion doctor who was gunned down in his home, it was on 24/7 until the killer was caught and jailed. How many of us heard about the Pro-Choice advocate who stormed into a church service one Sunday and gunned down the Pro-Life Minister? Where was that on the news? Or what about the woman who bled to death within hours of her abortion from the very clinic that the doctor who was gunned down worked in. What about the woman who was fired from her job at US West for wearing a pro-life pin to work? Was there any coverage of that? Outside of locally, no there was not. Did you hear any news of the prayer group who were meeting outside an abortion clinic who were beaten by police as they lay on the ground? Or about the van that deliberately and slowly ran over the pro-life activists, trying to deliver a woman to get an abortion?

What about the complaints from abortion clinics to the billboards being erected near their places of business that show a picture of a murdered unborn child. Pro-Choice advocates call them "tacky, in bad taste, and offensive". In other words, as long as what we are doing in here is not visible to the naked eye, then it's legal, protected and acceptable. But how dare you show other people what we do! Do any of these cases sound familiar to you, heard about them in the media? No, and you won't because as anyone with half a brain knows now-a-days, the media has an agenda all their own.
But think of it, when it is choice that determines whether an action is murder or acceptable, then we have eliminated any standard of right and wrong. Choice does not make the determination of life vs. non-life, life is life regardless, the choice is in the taking of that life and that is not one that we have the right to make. This brings us to our second truth.

II. There is an Underlying Value being Ignored.

Life is important to God. From the life of the unborn child to the life of the retiree, life is important to God.

Psalm 139:13-15
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place."

Jeremiah 1:4-5
"The word of the Lord came to me saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

In reading these and other passages, we see that life is important to God, including the life of the unborn child, whom God knows, whom God forms, whom God can set apart. But in this country, choice has become God. We are ignoring a standard God Himself set. When we ignore the value of life in favor of choice, the choice then has to extend to the the children who are born, but who become hard to manage, to elderly parents who become incapable of fending for themselves, and to the handicapped who don't "contribute to our society".

And if you think that this sounds cruel, or farfetched, listen a moment. In the Netherlands, where abortion is and has been socially acceptable for more years than it has been here, they passed a euthanasia law allowing people to kill themselves if they so wish. But today, in the Netherlands, doctors in emergency rooms are given the option of whether to spend the time and efforts trying to save a life, as a matter of fact they have issued little cards much like our organ donor cards that say essentially, "please don't let me die, try to save me." If an accident victim does not have that card, the doctors make that person's final determination as to whether they will live or die. And it was just ten years ago that they introduced a law that would allow parents of any child born blind, deaf, retarded, or severely handicapped to decide if that child should be allowed to live, or left to starve to death alone in an isolation ward.

CHOICE HAS BECOME GOD! Now it's no longer an issue whether the life is human or not, now it's a matter of a parents', a doctors', a stressed out adult child's word, and a life can be legally discarded as if it were trash.
With respect for life is so scarce, no wonder we've got kids killing kids just to see what it would feel like.

You might say, Dave, what about the arguments the pro-abortion people use? Is the fetus human? Well, the Bible says so, and for me that is good enough. But for those of you who can't accept the Bible, what about Science? Science says so too. Life is defined as that which has ability to reproduce itself, and from the moment of conception, when each cell divides and reproduces, that is life.

Some use the "it's my body" argument against ending abortion, when in actuality, it's not the woman's body. The child is in the woman's body, but is distinct and separate from the woman, often having a different blood type than the woman. This is not a procedure to remove a tumor, it is a violent act of murder upon an innocent human infant. But let's just say that this isn't the case that the baby really is part of her body. We don't allow a woman to inject illegal drugs into her body. We don't allow her to sell her body in prostitution, except in Vegas, so that shouldn't really surprise anyone. So if we don't give a woman a right to do these things, how can she demand the right to murder her unborn child under the guise of "it's her body".
It is a false argument entirely.

But Dave, you might say, what about the children who are born handicapped. Wouldn't their "quality of life" mean anything to you? Let me answer you this way, when the right of another person to live comes down to the judgment of their contribution to society, or their comprehension as to the world around them, then we open the floodgates for increase moral disintegration. There are many healthy, sane people who only contribution to our society is in raising their children right, I'd say that is a great contribution to society. We wouldn't have the inspirational stories of Helen Keller, Ray Charles, or any other handicapped individual who may not have contributed like Keller or Charles but perhaps they have value because life is important to God. And He values them.
But let's use this same logic. Shouldn't we then as was done in the movie, Logan's Run, set an age limit up to which one may live? In the movie the age was 30, now, writing as a 40 year old, I would object to this policy, but let's say set it at 65. After all, they are done working then, so therefore cannot contribute any more to society. So all Senior Citizens upon reaching 65 years of age will be humanely put to sleep, medical costs would plummet, Social Security could be saved, but what for and nursing homes would no longer be a necessity.

Sound heartless? Life is life, whether it is the unborn child, or the retiree. And a woman no more has the moral right to the choice to end her unborn child's life than I have to end hers, yours, or anyone else's. Is the unborn child a life? Consider these facts:

The unborn child has a heartbeat by the 18th day.
The unborn child's brain begins to function at 40 days.
The unborn child breathes, moves and sleeps.
The unborn child grows, hiccups, and sucks his thumb.
The unborn child is operated on to correct defects and this is how they learned that the unborn child feels pain.
The unborn child is fully formed before the mother even knows she is pregnant.
The unborn child can survive outside the womb at 20 weeks and with current technology improving, that number will get pushed back to 19,18?

Abortions can be performed on these unborn children up to the moment of their birth. Most people aren't aware of what happens in an abortion, and though not pleasant, the fact is you've been lied to as to the normalcy and ease of this procedure. Abortion is a violent, dangerous procedure. I will not describe the methods used, I choose not to.

What I will describe to you are the saddest cases, the babies who are not wanted, but are too developed to be murdered without risk to the mother. They induce labor, and the child is left alone in a room separate from the viewing room at the hospital. They are allowed to starve to death, some who are too developed are taken part way out of the womb while the 'doctor' strangles the life out of the child, which upon death, is discarded in the trash.

III. There is a Terrible Apathy poisoning our Culture.

There is a terrible apathy poisoning our culture. We've got people going all out for all causes. There is a car driving around Kissimmee with loads of bumper stickers on the back, among them are, "Save the Whales", "Save the Manatees", "Meat is Murder" and finally, "I vote Pro-Choice". In other words, save everything but the humans!

We have people devoting time and energy to causes like saving the whale stuck in the ice flow, save the polar bears from global warming, bring back the red M&M, but very few are even trying to stop the murder of children!

And the most tragic part of it all is that there is a terrible apathy among Christians in regards to this subject. We think that there is nothing that we can do because the problem is too big. But that's wrong, there's a lot we can do. If you choose to picket an abortion clinic, that's legitimate, if not legal. If you choose to pray about the situation, that where our power comes from. Maybe you can support a pro-life organization financially, that's another choice.

But the single most important thing you can do only takes a few moments of your time. And that is, you can vote Pro-Life. Disagree with me if you wish, what issue is more important than the life of an unborn child? Security of our nation? How long do you think we will stay safe if we keep offending God by the murdering of the innocent? Romans 1:32 makes it clear that those who give approval to sinners for committing sin, are just as guilty as those committing the sin. So the next time you go to vote for the lesser of two evils, or for your union job and the candidate is for the murder of human infants, just imagine yourself with your hands wrapped around the neck of a newborn, who came along with just bad timing, because your vote for a pro-abortion candidate is exactly the same as approving, even committing the act of abortion.

When I saw my daughter born 9 weeks prematurely struggling to breathe, with wires coming out from all angles, I knew that no one would ever be able to tell me that abortion was a choice any longer. Her arms were almost as thick as a crayola marker, she was almost six pounds, and she was the biggest baby in the neo-natal ICU. Others' arms were thinner than a #2 pencil, tubes stuck down their throats allowing them to breathe, I watched as the nurses pricked heels to draw blood and the expression on the faces of the infants in pain.

I do not believe that anyone after seeing the size of a premature baby or one of those new 3D imaging sonograms, I do not believe that anyone having seen that can still be for abortion without surrendering their humanity in the process. The question is now what are you going to do about it, because Death Is Not a Choice.

Death is Not a Choice

David Roberts, CFE, CQBPA, MBA, lives in Kissimmee, Florida with four girls, three dogs, two snakes and one wife. He has been a member of the ACFE for four years and has been studying fraud for longer than that. He is the owner of Homesoon Accounting Services which specializes in Quickbooks Consultations and Fraud Prevention and Detection.

By David S. Roberts

Ectopic Pregnancy - One of the Complications Of Pregnancies

Ectopic pregnancy is one of the complications that may occur in some women during pregnancy. The fertilized ovum travels from the fallopian tubule and gets implanted in the uterine lining during a normal process. In ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized ovum is not implanted in the uterine lining, but may get implanted in the ovary, fallopian tubule, abdomen, cervix or any other part of the pelvic area.

The fact that the pregnancy occurs outside the uterus in an organ that is not conducive to its development, ensures that such pregnancies cannot develop into a birth. It is considered a high risk, as the organ that the ovum has implanted in, can burst, which can cause internal bleeding which could have a grim outlook. More often, the pregnancy occurs in the fallopian tube, due to it being blocked or damaged. This is why such position is also referred to as a tubal pregnancy. In most women, such pregnancies result in a spontaneous abortion, but in some, clinical intervention may be required.

Abortion Clinic

Causes of Ectopic pregnancy

It is said that, those who have pelvic inflammatory disease and those who have suffered tubal damage due to surgery, scar tissue are more prone to suffering from ectopic pregnancy. Endometrioses can also be another cause. The cells from the uterine lining may get detached in some cases and get attached to other organs outside the uterus. Those who are using invitro fertilization may also be at risk. Those who have a history of such pregnancies also are under the high risk category.

How It Is Diagnosed

The women who have ectopic pregnancy have similar pregnancy symptoms as those with a normal case. The symptoms may include sore breasts, nausea, frequent urination and missed period. They may however have to watch out for other symptoms, such as pain in the abdomen and the shoulders. The pain may be sharp and stabbing, concentrated on one side of the pelvic area. Other symptoms include vaginal spotting, dizziness and there may also be low back pain. Some women experience pain while having a bowel movement. Most women have severe pain in the lower abdomen and heavy bleeding.

Diagnosis can be done by an examination done by the doctor, who can identify smaller uterine size than normal as well as the abnormal swellings. In most cases, a laparoscopy or a Laparotomy is done to solve the problem. In some women, only the pregnancy sac is removed, while in others, the entire tubule is removed. This is one of the dreaded pregnancy problems that some have to deal with.

It is therefore advised that, pregnant women read as many books and journals they can in order to stay informed. It is a fact that though there may be a risk for a repeat ectopic pregnancy, the chances are that the women go on to have a normal pregnancy and childbirth the next time.

Ectopic Pregnancy - One of the Complications Of Pregnancies

Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized ovum is attached to organs, other than the uterus. Such a pregnancy results in miscarriages in some, but for others can be one of the pregnancy complications that has to be dealt with carefully. Read books and other resources to stay informed about pregnancy problems, such as tubal pregnancy. Visit pregnancy for more information.

How to Write Survey Questions

Writing quality survey questions is not as easy as people think. Well-written survey questions gather the exact information you need without inciting biased or unclear perspectives within the question itself; a survey question must maintain a neutral stance at all times. Let's analyze a potential survey question:

Question: Do you believe religious extremists should be prosecuted for their actions if they hurt another person while protesting?

Abortion Clinic

Is that a good survey question? In my opinion it is a terrible survey question. I'll explain why.

When we ask questions, they are structured largely based upon our environment - what we know and experience in life every day. This includes prejudices, pre-established perspectives, and our personal interpretation of the world at large. This is okay and actually makes daily communication much easier because the people we communicate with on a day-to-day basis more than likely share our immediate environment. They could be the neighbor who lives across the street or a fellow parent at the local high school football game and more than likely their perception of the world will be similar to ours. When we converse with them, those shared beliefs are communicated silently within the conversation, and the conveyance of ideas and opinions are much more easily shared. To put it another way, two wheat farmers based in the same county but who have never met could more than likely work together side by side all day long without much confusion in their communication. Now imagine a sea-hardened, leather-skinned Alaskan fisherman trying to carry on a general conversation with a green New York tax attorney. That would be an interesting conversation to hear, wouldn't it? These examples are, of course, extreme, but they convey the point I'm trying to make. Unless you deliberately structure your sentences in a neutral manner that does not encourage pre-conceived perceptions, you're going to have erroneous data for your survey.

Let's look at the question again:

Do you believe religious extremists should be prosecuted for their actions if they hurt another person while protesting?

'Religious extremists' is an extremely poor description. For me, that description brings up images of terrorists, and that is an image that directly conflicts with two other words in the sentence: prosecuted and protests. I don't associate terrorists with prosecution or legal, law-abiding action of any sort. Nor do I associate terrorists with any sort of organized protest. The description of 'religious extremists' convolutes the entire question and, in my opinion, would confuse the person taking the survey and most likely yield useless data.

'Hurt another person while protesting'. This description is also confusing. How did they hurt this person? Was it an accidental hot-coffee spill that burned someone's arm? Did the protester shoot someone? Or maybe the protester assaulted an employee who was simply walking by on her way to work? 'Hurt another person while protesting' is simply too vague to be within a survey question. It should clearly describe how the individual was hurt.

Here is a much more precise survey question that could be accurately answered by the New York attorney, the Alaskan fisherman, or the wheat farmers:

Do you believe a pro-life activist should be criminally prosecuted for shooting a pregnant woman while she was attempting to visit an abortion clinic during a public protest?

Although that survey question would invoke an emotional response from anyone who reads it, it still maintains a neutral stance within its description. This allows the reader to give their response based on a clear, unbiased perspective.

Formulating survey questions is a much tougher task than most people realize. The questions must maintain a neutral stance or they will taint the data being collected and render the survey useless. You should take great care when writing survey questions and have at least several stages of proofreading before the questions are finalized.

How to Write Survey Questions

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Sex-Teens and The UK Law

This law is for the UK only, the laws for your country may well be similar but it would be best to check first.


Abortion Clinic

Even if your under 16 (legal age for sex) your doctor can still prescribe you the pill without your parents consent, and boys can get free condoms from places like your local young persons clinics and it is legal to buy condoms under the age of 16 from supermarkets, petrol stations and vending machines. Note: These are UK laws and can vary from country to country.


The legal age that you can consent to sex is 16, but if your a girl under 16 having sex you are not commiting a criminal offence, however the person having sex with you is, even if you have given your consent. Note: These are UK laws and can vary from country to country.


Im under 16 and wanna tell my doctor a secret about me, can he keep it a secret from my mum and dad? YES if you are under 16 you have the same right to confidentiality as adults.

This means that they will listen to you, give you advice, and will not tell anyone, unless they think you are in serious danger. Note: These are UK laws and can vary from country to country.


You must have the abortion before you turn 24 weeks pregnant, you must also have consent from your doctor. If you are under 16, you can still legally have an abortion providing your doctor feels you are mature enough to make the decision. Note: These are UK laws and can vary from country to country.

Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception can be legally obtained by both over 16's and under 16's from your doctor or clinic, they won't tell your parents but the pill must be taken within 72 hours of having sex for it to be effective. Note: These are UK laws and can vary from country to country.

Sex-Teens and The UK Law

Article wriiten by & copyright MyCYC.com - Free Teen Blogs, for more article like these please visit my homepage.

Alzheimer's Disease - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

It is not known yet what exactly triggers off the weakening of the brain cells. There are many factors which lead the growth of Alzheimer's disease.

Causes of Alzheimer's disease:

Abortion Clinic

The chief factor in the growth of Alzheimer's disease is age of the sufferer. The tendency of the growth of the disease is more once you cross the age of 65 and adds up every five years after 65 years of age. But this condition is not faced by older people alone. Alzheimer's disease is genetic, but people even without a family history of Alzheimer's also face this, but it is not as common as the ones with a genetic history.

In case of inherited Alzheimer's the indications start showing earlier like starting from the age of 35 to 60 years of age. The tendency of developing Alzheimer's is higher in case of the people suffering from Down's syndrome. This is due to the presence of an additional copy of the 'chromosome 21', in which a protein which is also present in the brain of the people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

It is proven that people who have had head injuries or bad whiplashes are more prone to Alzheimer's disease. It is also said that aluminium also causes Alzheimer's disease.

Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease:

Diagnosis of Alzheimer's is quite difficult as the indications are very analogous to many other conditions. None of the cases of Alzheimer's are the same as every individual reacts differently to the condition. There are three stages of Alzheimer's disease: mild, moderate and severe. In case of mild Alzheimer's disease the symptoms would be forgetfulness, weak memory, getting confused, and difficulty in speech and mood swings.

This all occurs as a result of slow loss of the functioning of the brain. In case of moderate Alzheimer's disease the symptoms are: delusions, repetitive behaviour, hallucinations, incontinence, imagining things which you haven't done and disturbance in sleep. This person would even have problems in keeping a track of recent happening. A problem with speech and language can initiate at this is stage. This in turn would build frustrations and depression resulting in mood swings.

In case of severe Alzheimer's the sufferer is highly disoriented and confused. At this stage the person tends to experience delusions and hallucinations. The delusions and hallucinations are worse in the night as the sufferer tends to get violent, suspicious and demanding with people around him.

The symptoms in case of severe Alzheimer's are: loss in weight and appetite, difficulty in swallowing, loss of long and short term memory, highly prone to infection and difficulty in moving about. This is the stage when the sufferer needs to be completely taken care of as there can barely do anything by them.

Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease:

There is no cure of Alzheimer's disease found as yet. But there is medication available which would aid in delaying the growth of the disease. These medications help by averting a chemical breakdown in the brain. As a result the weakening of the brain also slows down.

Alzheimer's Disease - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996. STDs, physical examinations, family planning, counseling. Late Term Abortion Clinic.

17 Alpha Hydroxyprogesterone Will Take Your Dream To The Right Destiny!

17 Alpha Hydroxyprogesterone is a steroid hormone and can be produced naturally and also artificially. It is a metabolite of progesterone with a hydroxyl group at the 17th alpha position. It is an intermediate between the biosynthesis of hydrocortisone and gonadal steroid hormones. After studying the chemical properties of the compound, it has been found useful in treating recurrent abortion or termination of the fetus. After being used on many women, the drug has being passed for legal use. The drug is completely safe to be used under physician's prescription.

17 Alpha Hydroxyprogesterone is also naturally secreted in the body by the adrenal glands. During pregnancy, the quantity of this secretion increases gradually. During the trimester period of pregnancy, the secretion increases because of the formation of adrenal glands of the fetus. If this secretion is not enough, the fetus is not able to survive and this leads to sudden abortion. To avoid such serious and unwanted circumstances, the hormone is provided externally.

Abortion Clinic

The effect of a dose of 17 Alpha Hydroxyprogesterone differs from person to person and also differs according to the situation. The dose is clinically tested before it can be given to the patients. There are different ways of testing it. Initially it was tested with RAI (radioimmunoassay) and IRMA (immunoradiometric assay). Today, there are much better ways that give quick and accurate results. The most commonly used method is gas chromatography and liquid chromatography. Mass spectrometry is also been widely used all around the world. The does cannot be easily available in any medical store. The legal possession of this drug is possible only if a legally certified physician recommends the drug.

The hormone is highly risky if consumed largely or at the wrong time. This is the reason why you need medical advice. The above discussed is not the only cause for abortion. There are many reasons for it and the medicines vary according to the reason.

17 Alpha Hydroxyprogesterone Will Take Your Dream To The Right Destiny!

Author writes for 17 Alpha Hydroxyprogesterone.

Fruits and Vegetables Which Are Not Suitable for Pregnant Women

Eating more fruits and vegetables can take in an adequate amount of vitamins and fibers, which are the essential nutrients for the development of the fetus. However, the pregnant mothers should not eat without any limitation, because if they eat too much of certain fruits or vegetables, it may bring some hidden danger to the fetus as well as their own health.

First, longan and litchi
Although longan and litchi have the effects of soothing the nerves and enriching the blood, and is beneficial for the spleen, however, both of these two fruits are hot in nature. If the pregnant women eat these fruits, it will fail to achieve the purpose of tocolysis, at the same time, it may cause leakage of blood, abdominal pain and other symptoms of threatened abortion.

Abortion Clinic

Second, hawthorn
Hawthorn has the effects of promoting blood circulation and contracting the uterus. As a result, if the pregnant women eat hawthorn, it will easily cause abortion or premature delivery.

Third, watermelon
Pregnant women should eat less watermelon, because watermelon is an effective diuretic, which will easily lead to the dehydration of the pregnant women.

Fourth, peach
Peach is a kind of warm-natured fruit. If the pregnant women eat too much, it will increase the heat in their body, result in fetal irritability, and may lead to abortion. What' more, for those who suffer from constipation during the pregnancy, eating excessive peaches will greatly aggravate the symptoms of constipation.

Fifth, almond
Almond contains some toxic substances such as hydrocyanic acid. After you eat almond, the hydrocyanic acid which will enter into the body of the fetus through the placenta, which will further affect the healthy development of the fetus.

Sixth, potato
Potatoes, especially those which have been preserved for a long time, contain a large number of alkaloid, which will affect the normal development of the fetus after eating, and cause the slow growth of the fetus.

Seventh, eggplant
Eggplant is cold in nature, which may easily bring damage to the body of people with weak physique condition, especially the pregnant women.

Eighth, purslane
Purslane both can be used as medicine and be made as a dish. But it is cold in nature. Relative experiment proved that, purslane can excite the uterus, promote the contraction of the uterine and increase its intensity, which will easily lead to abortion.

In a word, all kinds of fruits and vegetables have their advantages as well as disadvantages. As a result, we should try not to eat or eat less of the fruits and vegetables which are bad to our health.

Fruits and Vegetables Which Are Not Suitable for Pregnant Women

Lv Hongyu is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the chemistry. LookChem.com is just a place for you to Look for Chemicals! Our LookChem provide the most convenient conditions for the international buyers and let these leads benefit all the business person.

War On Christmas? Part 2: Who Is Lying To Whom?

The Truth: War on Christmas: As reported in USA Today in December of 2005: Last December, a group called Public Advocate for the United States (which claims to defend America's traditional family values) sent some Christmas carolers over to sing in front of the ACLU offices in Washington.

Carrying signs reading "Merry Christmas" and "Please Don't Sue Us!" -- they also seem to have carried with them some rather strange imaginings about an assault on Christmas.

Abortion Clinic

To tell the truth, the ACLU is not often serenaded by Christmas carolers. So it was with some excitement that the staff went outside and joined in the singing. They brought with them cookies and warm drinks to share. One staff member, who is an ordained Baptist minister, did a little witnessing about his faith to some astonished proponents of family values.

Fox News did broadcast the event (as a part of its "war against Christmas" campaign). Although the visiting singers were shown, the cameras failed to include any footage showing that everyone had participated in the caroling. Rather than reporting the facts, the anchor preferred the propaganda: "We believe the ACLU heard the message loud and clear, but they don't care." 5.

What about all of the reported claims where the Secular Left is attacking Christmas?

The majority of incidents I have been able to find thus far that are reported to be evidence of this alleged "War on Christmas" by the Secular Left have, in fact, been proven to be hoaxes. I prefer to call them what they are, lies.

In Saginaw, Michigan it was alleged that Township schools opposed red and green clothes and prohibit singing Christmas songs. The fact is that the official school color is green and that no such policy ever existed. 26In Watchung, N.J. it was alleged that the city council passed a policy to start calling the Christmas tree a "Mitten Tree" replace all references to Christmas with the word "Holiday." In response Mayor Albert Ellis said the "Tree of Lights" is sponsored by the local rescue squad as a fundraiser. The town has been doing so for 15 years. The town has a holiday display policy negotiated with the two local churches. The policy allows private citizens to erect holiday displays. 26In Plano, Texas, the school allegedly told the students they could not wear red and green because they were Christmas colors. The district has responded by saying this is not true and never has been true. The Superintendent has expressed frustration that this story continues to circulate and instructed its attorney to write to Bill O'Reilly, requesting a correction. 26&27At Glendale-River Hills School District in Wisconsin it was alleged that they prohibited any song close to the Christmas holiday from having any religious "motive or theme," yet they would still allow secular and Hanukkah holiday songs. The district responded by saying this is not true. In fact they do recognize the Christian religious tradition with songs being sung that include "Angels We Have Heard on High" and "I Saw Three Ships." 26Lying, by omission, is still lying. To intentionally report only half the truth in order to promote false claims is unconscionable, especially from someone who is expected to report the truth as a member of the forth estate. The members of the press have an obligation to report the whole truth. With these blatant attempts at misdirection the agenda becomes clear. This is another attempt at creating a wedge issue designed to separate the Christians from the "liberal left" and manipulate the moderate independent voter. Isn't it ironic that these self proclaimed Christians have to bear false witness in order to manipulate the public? After all doesn't their own God order "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."

Secular Legislation:

Where is all of this legislation that is being pushed through that allegedly strips Christianity from America as many have claimed? Where are all of the "activist decisions" by the courts that have left religion lying in a pool of its own blood about to expire?

It doesn't exist, these false claims and misdirection are designed to keep America from seeing what is really going on.

Take witness;

[S]ince 1989...more than 200 special arrangements, protections or exemptions for religious groups or their adherents were tucked into Congressional legislation, covering topics ranging from pensions to immigration to land use. New breaks have also been provided by a host of pivotal court decisions at the state and federal level, and by numerous rule changes in almost every department and agency of the executive branch.

One result is that religious institutions participating in essentially secular business ventures now enjoy financial and other advantages over their secular competitors. And, a greater tax burden falls on ordinary citizens.12

The Courts:

The distinction that the press fails to make over and over is that the ACLU and other groups are trying to hold the government accountable to the First Amendment which prohibits the government from making a law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

There are numerous examples of the ACLU defending Christian Americans and their right to express their faith in the public square.

For example, in 2006 alone:

The ACLU has helped a New Jersey student's right to sing "Awesome God" in a voluntary after school program. 6 In Louisiana the ACLU filed a lawsuit on behalf of a Christian man who was protesting Wal-Mart based on his religious beliefs. Wal-Mart had the man chased away for carrying a sign that read "Christians: Wal-Mart supports Gay Marriage and Gay Lifestyles. Don't Shop there." 6The ACLU of Rhode Island filed an appeal in federal court on behalf of an inmate who was barred from preaching during Christian religious services, as he had done for the past seven years under the supervision and support of prison clergy. The prisoner, Wesley Spratt, believes his preaching is a calling from God. Prison officials cited vague and unsubstantiated security reasons for imposing the preaching ban on Mr. Spratt. The ACLU argued that the ban violates the religious freedom guaranteed to Mr. Spratt under federal law. 6The list goes on, and on, and on.....The ACLU lists approximately 80 such cases defending religion in places like the public square and public schools over the last 5 years. The alleged war on Christmas is what generates ratings - the truth, apparently, does not. The media continuously fails to point out the vast number of cases where these groups that are "determined to exterminate religion in the public square" and kill Christmas have expended vast resources to protect the very thing they are being accused of trying to destroy. Traditional Values?

Individuals are free to preach on the street corner, that is their right under the Constitution. They just aren't allowed to use tax payer dollars to fund their preaching. The government is prohibited from endorsing that person, or stopping that person. It is so very simple yet there is a huge percentage of Americans that chose to believe the exact opposite and demand that their government do the same. How patriotic is it to ignore the Constitution and force un-American values on Americans?

The attacks on the courts and several attempts to pass legislation that strip the courts of their Constitutionally defined duties are as un-American as Stalin.

Using the law to deny rights or to silence dissenting political opinion is the warning bell that danger lies ahead. To silence political free speech and dissent is more in line with policies of the Red Coats.

If these anti-democratic actions are allowed to get a foothold, it will be the beginning of the death of America and the birth of another giant theocratic government or dogmatic dictatorship.

The same people that are screaming "Beware of Burning Flags and Marrying Fags." are the exact people that are attempting to yank the Constitution and the Bill of Rights right out from under us all.

The Religious Right has been very affective in their campaign of terror. They are constantly running around and bellowing at the tops of their lungs about the DANGER AMERICANS FACE, the DANGERS AMERICAN CHILDREN FACE, the DANGER MARRIAGE FACES, and on and on and on. They distract the average person from real issues through fear and erode their rights while they look the other way. Didn't anyone learn from the story of Chicken Little or the Little Boy that Cried Wolf?

There is further irony in the fact that the Religious Right has the highest divorce rate in America.9 How can it be that the righteous, who are waging the war against homosexuals in God's name, have the highest divorce rates? I thought the Gays were destroying marriage?

If the Religious Right are the saviors of Marriage in America, then how is it that "90% of divorces among born-again couples occur after they have been 'saved?' 9

Look at how the Religious Right entertains their children with the new computer game "LEFT BEHIND: Eternal Forces". 29 This game is a perfect example of the hypocrisy that these Religious Right groups preach. They protest and demand new laws to protect their children from games that depict street violence or emulate warfare unless that game promotes their world view to "Conduct physical & spiritual warfare : using the power of prayer to strengthen your troops in combat and wield modern military weaponry throughout the game world." 29 The game takes place in New York City after the rapture. The objectives of the game include creating Christian militias in order to roam the streets of New York City. Simulate Christian conversion of non-believers while killing those who will not convert. After large scale and violent battles players must use prayer to recharge their "soul points" which are drained by all the killing. Doesn't this just sound more like "Grand Theft Auto: The Rapture?"

Then we can mention the sexual misconduct by the conservative religious leaders, both liberal and conservative, but all Christians.

Wake up people. This is like having Michael Jackson telling you how to protect your children from sexual predators!

What's the Point here?

There most certainly is not a war on Christmas, much less religion. There is no great conspiracy by the Secular Left nor is there some hidden "Gay Agenda." These are fabricated lies designed to divide Americans with fear.

Inversely, there is definitely a great and vast conspiracy by the Religious Right to gain control of the United States and its government, to pass laws that reflect their values, and to revoke rights that our Constitution currently protects. I don't have to make this stuff up, they have said so in they own words and in writing thereby making their thoughts and intentions perfectly clear.

There are those that would argue, "80% of America is Christian; the majority rules." That is also completely and utterly wrong. The United States Constitution was drafted with a specific intent of protecting the minorities from majority rule, which is clearly explained quite eloquently on the United States Senate's website:

For over two centuries the Constitution has remained in force because its framers successfully separated and balanced governmental powers to safeguard the interests of majority rule and minority rights, of liberty and equality...17

What to do?

We should all be more vigilant in protecting our Constitutional rights. We should all get offended when our tax dollars are used to proselytize or build houses of worship. Religion, like people, should be able to stand on its own two feet and be funded by its believers. If welfare for people or corporations is not good for America, why should we remain silent about welfare for religion? 22&23

The only people that can hurt Christianity are the Christian extremists. If you fear that religion is falling in numbers in America like they did in Europe then stop the Religious Right's zealous venture towards theocracy in the United States.

The reason religion has failed in Europe is solely because they have or had state-sponsored and state-funded religion. The Europeans have seen the horrors of that sponsorship and they remember them.

Europeans also greatly resent their tax dollars being used to support a religion that they themselves may not subscribe to. Therefore, they stopped going to church and stopped believing the myth.

So to close:

The preponderance of evidence shows that we need understanding and tolerance to grow, not fear and not war. There is absolutely no way our tiny little minority can harm Christianity or kill Christmas. After all...

We still like getting presents.We still like the days off from work.We still enjoy the extra time with family and the big dinners.We aren't organized enough to pull it off.We don't have the money to pull it off.We don't care enough about it to even try to pull it off.Oh yeah, The majority of my fellow liberals, they are Christians too.I predict that the harder the Religious Right pushes their agenda to achieve their theocratic goals the harder individuals that are liberal and moderates in this country will push back. America is the land of the free. Remember that one person's religion is another person's mythology; to each his or her own. Sources:

1) Religions in the U.S. - Wikipedia collection from U.S. Census Bureau.

2) Adherents.com - ("membership/adherent statistics and congregation statistics for over 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, ultimate concerns, etc")

3) The Telegraph U.K. - Jedi Knights

4) Media Matters - Bill O'Reilly & The War on Christmas, Religion out of the public square & Secular Progressives.

5) Fictional War on Christmas: USA Today

6) ACLU - The ACLU has numerous examples of where it defends religious liberty.

7) Theocracy Watch - A Religious Right watchdog group.

8) Americans United for the Separation of Church and State - The Religious Right in their own words.

9) Religious Tolerance - Divorce rates are slightly higher for Born Again Christians than Atheists or Agnostics.

10) Statement by the President - Activist Judges

11) Renew America - Calling Someone a liar

12) Rational Radical - Podcast #65

13) Wedge Document (PDF file), a 1999 Discovery Institute fundraising pamphlet. Cited in Handley P. Evolution or design debate heats up. The Times of Oman, 7 March 2005.

14) Dover Trial - Full text of Judge Jones' ruling, dated December 20, 2005 (PDF File)

15) Killing Policeman was a gift - [http://judicial-inc.biz/Horsley.htm]

16) Refuse & Resist - Anthrax Threat letters sent to 250 Abortion Clinics

17) Majority Rule - U.S. Senate Website

18) McCollum v. Board of Education

19) Eric Rudolf - Christian's raising funds for Abortion Clinic Bomber

20) NY Times - Run, Rudolph, Run June 31, 2003

21) NY Times - Sympathy for bombing suspect may cloud search for evidence - June 2, 2003

22) March, 2004, issue of Church and State - "Faith Czar" Jim Towey announced billion dollars was now available to religious charities.

23) NY Times - Lawsuit Challenges Use of Federal Aid for Bible-Based Counseling 09/13/2006

24) Christians against Christmas - http://www.swrb.com/newslett/actualNLs/Xmas_ch2.htm

25) Puritan & Reformed against Christmas

26) American United - The Religious Right's Phony 'War on Christmas': Mything in Action

27) Plano Independent School District - Public Statement

28) Find Articles - Jerry Falwell Opens Law School To Train 'Radical' Attorneys

29) Left Behind: The Game - PC Game that is based on the left behind series of books.

War On Christmas? Part 2: Who Is Lying To Whom?

Trichomonas - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Trichomoniasis is one of the sexually transmitted infections (or sexually transmitted diseases, STD) caused by a microscopic parasite, a protozoa. Usually it is found in urethral tissues and vagina. Although women are likely to be infected men can be infected too. So let's try to understand that
sexual transmitted disease.


Abortion Clinic

This disease is the most widespread curable sexual infection. The trichomonad has an average size of 15 mm which cannot be seen by naked eye and the parasites are reproduced every 8-12 hours. The figures show that men have more resistance to this parasite as only 14%-60% of men and 67%-100% of women with infected partners have the parasite.

It is not clear why women have more chance of getting infected than men. One possibility could be that the zinc and some substances that are harmful to trichomonads exist in the prostatic fluid.

Trichomoniasis Symptoms

Usually symptoms in men are milder than women, and in women it usually occurs in 1-4 weeks of the initial infection. As mentioned above infected men do not have any symptoms this they do not visit the doctor to receive medical treatments. To prevent re infection of the woman the sexual partner should be treated and evaluated as well.

The symptoms include:


·Vaginal discharge
·Vaginal itching
·Itchy, smelly, and typically foamy or frothy discharge
·Yellow or green- gray discharge
·Pain during urination
·One-third of women who are infected do not have symptoms.


·The majority do not have any symptoms
·Urethral discharge
·Pain during urination
·swelling and pain in scrotum -from epididymitis

Trichomoniasis Treatment

Medical Treatment

The treatment is metronidazole "Flagyl" which incase of pregnancy should not be taken during first trimester. It should be kept in mind not to take the medicine and drink alcohol same time, as the combination can cause vomiting and abdominal pain

Self-Care at Home

Apart from medical treatments there are home treatments which should not be substitute and preferred to the medical treatment. However always keep in mind that it is always better to consult your doctor at first!

·Having a warm bath and a natural douche may help increase the parasite killing activity. Best to add juice of a lemon to the douche :Vinegar douche - vinegar, 1 tea spoon, warm water 1 quart.

·Aromatherapy: bergamot oil -Citrus aurantium var bergamia, helps dry up the irritating discharge. You can add it to bath water or use it in douches.

Metronidazole (Flagyl)

·A high dosage can be very effective but may increase the side effects like vomiting and nausea.

·An alternative is to take pills two times a day for a week.

(Gyne-Lotrimin, Mycelex-7)

In case of having symptoms and pregnancy:

·Clotrimazole is a vaginal Medicine and should be inserted for two weeks at night.

·It decreases the symptoms, with a cure rate of only 20%.


·The man will have to take either a large dose or be treated for a week.

·Keep in mind that the doctor might not write a prescription unless evaluating her/or him first.

To Your Health!

Trichomonas - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996. STDs, physical examinations, family planning, counseling. Late Term Abortion Clinic.

Abortion - Choice and Life

One of the most controversial topics anyone can discuss is that of abortion. This debate brings up emotional responses with virtually any position one might take.

Time magazine named Margaret Sanger one of the hundred most important people of the 20th century. Sanger was the brainchild behind what is known as Planned Parenthood and she was a champion of women's reproductive rights. She espoused the unencumbered use of birth control and her views on reproduction have gone global. The primary view of choice advocates is that the woman should have full control over her right to reproduce. If there is an unplanned pregnancy then the gestational cycle can be terminated when desired.

Abortion Clinic

The motto often used by those who believe strongly in a woman's right to choose is, "Every child a wanted child." The connotation is that if the child is not wanted then the logical choice would be abortion.

The role of abortion became mainstream in the 1970's in response to the Roe vs. Wade decision that legalized the procedure. Choice advocates praise that ruling because it brought the procedure into the doctor's office instead of back alleys.

Abortion on demand is even heralded as something the government should add to any present or future health care bills they may consider. Obviously in the realm of debate there is another side to this issue. The exact opposite of the choice movement is the life movement.

Life advocates contend that it is the life of the child that is of more importance than the choice of the mother. They further contend that the child ultimately is without choice. Where choice advocates consider the mass growing inside the mother's womb a fetus, life advocates consider it a human being that should have the same rights afforded to the mother.

Life advocates will point to psychological issues such as posttraumatic stress disorder that seems to be prevalent among those who have experienced an abortion. They will also point to an increase in medical complications from the procedure, especially in the teen years.

When the procedure of abortion is described it is often viewed as inhumane.

Add to this the fact that there are a growing number of families wanting to adopt a child, but are finding very few available. Life advocates would suggest that adoption is a much better choice than abortion. If, in fact, the pregnancy is unplanned and the child's arrival would be very inconvenient from a personal life or financial point of view adoption could be an alternative that may prevent potential medical issues for the mother and allow the child to grow up in a home where they will be loved and nurtured.

Many women who have had abortions will recall the date they had the abortion and will have onset depression in much the same way an adult laments the passing of a parent or partner.

It would seem the central issue in the abortion debate is between whether the mother or the child has the most choice, yet even this observation is, in itself, subject to controversy.

Abortion - Choice and Life

Discuss the Abortion Debate at ControversialForums. Have Online Debates in our Message Boards.

The Link Between Negative Emotions and Cancer

The stress and negative attitude can be dangerous for your wealth as well as health. Almost every medical expert clears up this fact that the higher the amount of stress is, the higher will be the density of your physical illness. Statistics reveals that mental stress and negative emotional is responsible for around 85% of physical disorders. Not only our mental health is affected due to it, but the physical health gets adversely affected too.

Negative Emotional And Cancer has No Direct Relation

Abortion Clinic

There is no such direct connection of negative emotional and cancer, but it has been proven that negative emotional experiences and mental stress weakens the immunity system. The negative emotions, stress, anxiety and fear are extremely toxic for body and for its anti-cancer defense system. It means that body loses its power to fight against cancerous cells and as a result, we get caught by this deadly disease.

How Negative Emotional Experiences Effect your Body?

After becoming a cancer patient, the quantity of stress and negative emotion increases automatically. The person loses the hope to live and directs himself straightly to death. Due to lack of knowledge regarding cancer and its treatments, many cancer patients die every year. Negative attitude and unwillingness to fight with this disease are the main reasons for a rise in its impact. The negative emotional experiences interrupt the energy flow in human body. As a result, the immune system becomes feeble day by day and gives space to cancer to reside in body.

The cancer patients are totally unaware of this fact that to get over this disease, they have to balance their mental-emotional state first. Along with all the medications and treatments, emotional recovery is equally important.

Tips for recovering from emotional loss

Some of the following tips can help to recover the emotional loss:

-Increase the intake of natural and unprocessed food

-Include appropriate exercise in your daily routine

-Take proper rest and enjoy the life as much as you can

-Use relaxation therapies like message and spa treatments

-Practice yoga and reading spiritual literature

-Maintain enough hygiene around you to feel fresh all the time

-Spend quality time with your loved ones

-Do introspection and find out your qualities and guts

-Try your hand on something creative like painting and cooking

-Effective solution for fighting Negative Emotional

Apart from the above tips, you can try out emotional remapping that is also an effective solution to this problem. In this process of 15 minutes, the person is supposed to sit on a magnetic chair. In between, you listen to some very soft and relaxation music. You also require wearing special glasses that shows you the "light game" that is actually created by your brain. In the end, you feel much relaxed and revitalized. This is just a simple method to help the body regain the energies lost by negative emotional experiences.

This technique can be used for all types of cancers such as breast cancer, lung cancer, Bone cancer, brain cancer, cervical cancer and stomach cancer. So, it is totally up to you get rid of cancer by realizing that your stress leads you nowhere.

To Your Health!

The Link Between Negative Emotions and Cancer

Abortion Clinic Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortion clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services and sexually transmitted disease screening and counseling.

Arthritis and Glucosamine - A Sure Way of Lessening the Pain?

Arthritis is one aliment which makes you feel a lot older than what you actually are, from the very beginning of the problem. Arthritis is a condition in which the joints are affected severely. The pain in the joints is so severe that even you day to day activities are affected. Once you get arthritis it is very difficult to move around, you cannot play sports, go for long walks and so on, as the pain is so severe, it affects the routine of the person suffering from this ailment drastically.

But this is a way to lessen the pain and lead a better life even though you are suffering from this ailment. The way out is regular intake of glucosamine, a drug which helps in easing out the swelling and pain caused due to arthritis. Glucosamine also helps the sufferer in staying active, energetic and youthful.

Abortion Clinic

Osteoarthritis is a condition in which the joints are inflamed this is due to the amount of cartilage been reduced which biologically protects and supports the joints. A person suffering from arthritis generally restricts his or her movement in order to reduce the severity of pain, as when they move the pain increases, but this reduction of their movement in turn worsens their condition as muscle atrophy starts developing.

Glucosamine not only reduces the pain of arthritis but also helps in slowing down the development of arthritis. Glucosamine is a natural plagiaristic of cartilage and is essential in order to build healthier joints. Research also has proven that regular intake of glucosamine also helps in rebuilding cartilage which cushions the joints in a more efficient way.

Glucosamine is also available in liquid form and it is proven to be more advantageous as compared to the pill. It can be swallowed easily as compared to the pill, the taste is better and the absorption of the liquid form is better as it does not have to be broken down by the system from the solid form this is turn gives relief faster as compared to the tablet. It is also proven that liquid glucosamine works faster and is as effective in lesser doses as compared to the tablets and it also turns out to be cheaper to the tablets.

Glucosamine can be bought easily as it is widespread in the market. There are many liquid glucosamine supplements like 'Flexicose', 'Drinkables Joint Care' and many more. These supplements can be taken in addition with other supplements like, 'Omega 3 fatty acids' and 'Chondroitin Sulfate' as they help in easing out the joint pain.

Even though liquid glucosamine is widespread nowadays, there are some parameters in terms of the purity and the dose of the liquid glucosamine. It is advisable to consult the doctor on which supplement you should take. Intake of regular doses of glucosamine helps in reducing the severity of arthritis and your day to day routine is not affected by the ailment and you are as active as you always used to be rather more.

To your Health!

Arthritis and Glucosamine - A Sure Way of Lessening the Pain?

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996. STDs, physical examinations, family planning, counseling. Late Term Abortion Clinic.

Is PIGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) Another Form of Abortion?

With recent advances in genetics, there are several inherited disorders which can now be diagnosed at a molecular level. For couples who are carriers or affected by any of these conditions and are at high risk for transmitting it to their offspring, it is currently possible to detect the disorder during pregnancy. This is done by one of two approaches: amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (which involves taking a small sample of the placenta at an early stage). However the couples have the dilemma of whether or not to terminate the pregnancy if the genetic abnormality is present. In some cases this may also not be a viable option for religious or moral reasons. An alternative would then be to diagnose the condition in embryos before the pregnancy is established. Only the unaffected embryos would then be transferred to the uterus. This technique is referred to as preimplantation genetic diagnosis and would obviate the need for screening during a pregnancy and hence prevent the physical and psychological trauma associated with possible termination.

Research towards developing techniques for early genetic diagnosis in humans were initiated in the UK in the late 1980s (Handyside et al, 89, Lancet.347. and Dokras et al, 90, Hum Reprod, 5.821.). In vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques are used to obtain ova (eggs) from the mother which are then fertilized in the laboratory with sperm obtained from the father. One or more cells are then removed from the developing embryo 2 to 4 days after fertilization. This highly sophisticated technique called micromanipulation does not adversely affect further development of the embryo. The cells removed are then used for analysis, and the results can be obtained within 12-24 hours. The embryos without the genetic defects are then transferred into the uterine cavity to develop into a normal pregnancy. Almost all genetically inherited conditions that are diagnosed in the prenatal period can also be detected in the preimplantation period. At the 8 cell stage, each cell of the embryo is still totipotent (each cell has the capability of forming an entire new organism). Thus, one cell can be removed for genetic testing without altering the development of the rest of the organism.Diseases which have a high risk of transmission (25-50%) and are usually associated with significant morbidity and mortality can be screened for by this technique. The first report of the successful application of this technique came from the Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK which currently is the centre with the highest number of births following preimplantation diagnosis

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Now the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority has given permission to Leeds parents, Shahana and Raj Hashmi, parents of a boy from Leeds who suffers from a potentially fatal genetic disorder that they can use IVF to create a sibling whose cells could cure him. This effectively means that doctors can use the procedure to ensure their next child can provide their son Zain with a viable bone marrow transplant. The process requires doctors to artificially inseminate eggs from Hashmi's parents, then select one embryo that matches his blood type that can produce the antigens needed to fight the disease. Embryos that did not match the correct type would most likely be destroyed.

Doctors say that the odds of success for this procedure are about one in two, but moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding the procedure have meant that the case involves some very complex issues. Effectively, the Hashmi family want to create a child who would be a suitable donor for Zain, who suffers from thalassaemia - a rare blood disorder. This decision comes after the authority decided in principle in December to approve PGD in cases of serious genetic disease, but that all applications by clinics to undertake treatment should continue to be decided on a case-by-case basis only after rigorous examination of the ethical and medical implications of the treatment and the welfare of the children. The case is similar to that of Adam Nash, an American boy conceived in order to provide transplanted tissues to his ailing sister. The procedure raises serious concerns about the ability to identify the gene defect and using a child as a commodity. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority in the uk also recently give permission to Dr Taranissi at the Assisted Reproduction and Gynaecology Centre in London by to use the technique.

When an embryo becomes a person with "human rights" is probably the most controversial debate of our time. It is an issue that has perplexed the wisest philosophers and the average citizen. In Ireland. although our moral attitudes are based on deeply held religious and ethical beliefs, it is becoming difficult to obtain consensus on almost any issue although public policy must ultimately represent an effort to arrive at a reasonable accommodation to differing interests. Despite the Irish peculiarities regarding the wording of the last amendment to our constitution, when human rights and protectability commence should not become an all-or-nothing matter. Some people say prior to implantation that the embryo does not have human form or genetic uniqueness, as it is a growing collection of cells which can divide into two and naturally produce identical twins, it is unable to survive outside of the womb, does not have any organ structures including even a primitive brain and it has no degree cognitive development. They also say that after conception following intercourse some 60 percent of human embryos are discarded by nature at this stage of development, often even before the mother ever realises that she was pregnant. Hence it would be difficult for society to ascribe "rights" to something that has such a high natural mortality. Others feel that the creation, destruction or manipulation of human embryos by any method for any purpose, can never be justified.

Whatever your personal opinion, there is little doubt that the technique should greatly increase the chances of predicting which embryos are likely to result in a successful birth with much greater accuracy and effectively this technique is a big step forward for IVF as it means that doctors can now weed out problem embryos before a woman becomes pregnant. The UK legislation means that problem embryos in certain circumstances can now be discarded, and only those with a good chance of success implanted into the woman's womb. However, this system is far from perfect, and up to 50% of embryos that look normal under a microscope in fact contain defects in their genetic material.

Personally, I believe that in Ireland we need a panel consisting of bioethicists, sociologists, physicians, basic scientists and professionals in public policy to re-examine the sensitive issues surrounding reproductive medicine and embryo research, and then make recommendations about the areas of medicine and science on which the Government should legislate. I also personally believe that the human embryo is precious and deserving of our profound respect because of its enormous potential and both its existence and status shold rest in the moral belief of the couple from whom it came.

Is PIGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) Another Form of Abortion?

Dr. Patrick Treacy is a cosmetic expert. He is Medical Director of Ailesbury Clinics Ltd and the global Cosmetic Medical Group. He is Chairman of the Irish Association of Cosmetic Doctors and is Irish Regional Representative of the British Association of Cosmetic Doctors. He is European Medical Advisor to Network Lipolysis and the UK's largest cosmetic website Consulting Rooms. He practices cosmetic medicine in his clinics in Dublin, Cork, London and the Middle East.

Dr. Treacy is on the Specialist Register in the UK and Ireland and holds higher qualifications in Dermatology and Laser technology and skin resurfacing. He was amongst the first doctors worldwide to use the permanent facial endoprosthesis BioAlcamid for HIV Lipodystrophy patients. He was also the first person to introduce many techniques such as Radiofrequency assisted lasers, Fibroblast transplant and Contour Threads to Irish patients.

Dr. Treacy is an advanced aesthetic trainer and has trained over 300 doctors and nurses from around the world. He is also a renowned international guest speaker and features regularly on national television and radio programmes. He was invited to speak about stem cells and cosmetic medicine at the World Aesthetic Conference in Moscow this year.

The Irish College of Cosmetic Doctors
The British Association of Cosmetic Doctors
The British Medical Laser Association
The American Society for Aesthetic Medicine
The American Society for Lasers in Medicine and Surgery The European Society of Laser Dermatology
The European Society for Dermatological Surgery (ESDS)
The International Society for Dermatologic Surgery
The International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology

Dr. Treacy is the European Representative for the NetWork-Lipolysis where he is on the Medical Advisory Board and the Scientific Advisory Board.
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Colitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Colitis has become a common disease. It is one of those diseases which involve digestion problems. This disease involves a swelling of the intestine. Colitis may not be severe but it can be chronic too. The cause of this disease can also be known as the crohn's disease which is also a bloating of the digestive section from the anus to the mouth.

There are many causes for colitis. These causes decide how the symptoms of colitis are going to happen. Many bacteria normally reside in the colon; they live in harmony with the body and cause no symptoms or problems. The symptoms can include weight loss, bleeding in stools, loss of hunger and pain in the abdomen. The existence of this disease can be revealed through colonoscopy which is the test conducted for the diagnosis of this ailment. The diagnosis can be done by getting the medical past of the patient. Even some kind of physical exams like stool culture can make the doctors know about the existence of colitis.

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X-rays and tomography are also done to find out about this ailment. There are various versions of this ailment. The fulminating colitis has different kinds of symptoms which include fever, diarrhea and anemia. Fulminant colitis is any colitis that becomes worse rapidly. This kind of colitis needs to be treated immediately. On the initial treatment no matter what is the cause of colitis the main goal is to rehydrate the patient and make sure to control the pain. People who have developed this kind of colitis can only be cured through surgery. In fact, this kind of colitis can also affect animals like horses. When it affects them, they can die almost within a day. Another kind of colitis is also quite dangerous. It's known by the name of spastic colitis.

This version has similar symptoms as the irritable bowel syndrome. People can take some simple steps to improve their condition apart from consulting a doctor. Such simple steps include daily light exercises. They should also refrain from taking oily foods which can cause inflammation. The consumption of water should be an important part of the diet. The water should be clean and filtered. Drinking more water is necessary because such colitis is accompanied with abdominal pain which can be reduced by taking more water. Consuming holistic supplements is also beneficial. Getting acupuncture treatments can also help.

Colitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortion pill, physical examinations, family planning and counseling.

Prepare For Pregnancy - Advice Before Pregnancy

Are you thinking about getting pregnant and starting a family? Prepare for pregnancy advice is available freely all over the Internet. You can get thousands of books dedicated to this topic. In addition, you will also get advice from relatives and friends. With the amount of information available these days, it is easy to get confused or have an overload of information.

Here is a short list of things you should follow in order to prepare for pregnancy.

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Prepare For Pregnancy Advice:

o Improve your diet

This should be the first thing you should start with. Starting consume 3 meals a day which contain food that will give you vitamins and minerals. Make sure you take adequate calcium and folic acid. You can get these through good prenatal vitamins or taking multi-vitamin tablets. Make sure you cut down on caffeine as it is known to delay conception.

o Maintain Healthy Weight

Make sure your weight is in proportion to your height before you make an attempt to conceive. Reports and studies have shown that underweight mothers tend to have babies with low birth weight.

o Exercise

Get into shape 3 months before you attempt to conceive. This will make it easier for you to have an active lifestyle during pregnancy and it will also help you during labor. Doing aerobic exercise will help you increase your energy levels and achieve an ideal pre-pregnancy weight. In addition, you will not be too vulnerable to mood swings. Besides aerobic, other popular pre-pregnancy exercises are walking, jogging, and swimming. It is important to start out slowly. Do not overwork your body.

o Stop Smoking, Drinking Alcohol and Taking Recreational Drugs

Several studies have shown that smoking, drinking and taking drugs is connected to miscarriages, behavioral problems later in life, low birth weight babies and SIDS. If you are serious about getting pregnant, stopping is the best alternative for you.

Prepare For Pregnancy - Advice Before Pregnancy

About Author:

Pauline Go is a professional writer for many parenting website . She also writes other great articles like Signs Of Miscarriage, Find Abortion Clinic Near Me, Parenting Advice On Teen Drinking

How to Measure Clinical KPI

It has always been a popular maxim that what cannot be measured cannot be managed. This holds true for every business industry, including hospitals and clinics. What used to be strategies for common businesses, such as manufacturing, are now being adapted by other industries as well, especially customer service management and clinics. Due to this, clinical KPI has become a necessity in many hospitals and clinics because this is one way to effectively assess the medical world. This is done not only in terms of revenue, but also in terms of clinical standards.

One can easily assume that a place such as a hospital can only be measured through its cleanliness and how it is helping patients by giving charity work. In contrast, hospitals also have accreditation levels. As many people can observe, not all hospitals have the same kind or level of service. This is precisely because hospitals that cannot provide advanced medical services are not accredited to offer that kind of medical attention to certain diseases and disorders.

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In terms of accreditation, there are accreditation bodies that certainly have standards of measurements. This is the basis by which a hospital or a clinic develops its Key Performance Indicators or KPIs. The organization has to align its services and standards to what is acceptable and what is desired. Only then will a clinic be able to get to the next level. Keep in mind that these accrediting bodies are not part of the government.

Accordingly, hospitals and clinics should offer safety, not only to its patients, but also to the general public. As such, part of its Key Performance Indicators is safety, not only in terms of building safety, but accuracy in the issuance of medicines and prescriptions. A wrong drug given or any lack of dosage thereof will result to worse clinical conditions. It is not an option to make a mistake. All drugs prescribed, of course, must not be expired.

Next, the quality of service is also measured. Are the drugs given or administered on time? Are the nurses attentive to the patients' needs? These are only few of the questions that may arise to measure the quality of the hospital's service. The quality of the medicines provided should also be at par with the current norms of the medical world. Quality may also include facilities. There should be enough space for people in any given room. Patients should not be crowded in ward areas or the diseases may spread as opposed to mitigating them. Another metric measured is ethics. Hospitals and clinics should not participate in activities that are illegal or socially not acceptable, such as abortion and euthanasia.

Lastly, other than all the mentioned metrics, one also has to consider income. One cannot be accredited if the finances of the hospital are not managed well. This is also related to managing resources and how they are allocated for the improvement of the hospital or clinic. As always, one organization will not advance if it is not managed right, so it is only apt to include this in the clinical KPI of every medical facility.

How to Measure Clinical KPI

If you are interested in clinical kpi, check this web-site to learn more about clinical metric.

Infertility in Women - What Causes Infertility in Women and What Are the Solutions?

'Infertility in women' refers to the condition in which a woman is not able to conceive or contribute in the conception of a child due to some health issues. In some cases of infertility, a woman may conceive, but might not be able to carry a child until its birth.

Causes of Infertility

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There are numerous causes of infertility in women, all of which have been studied thoroughly by the experts and researchers. Heredity is one of the very common possibilities. Some of the typical causes of infertility in women are consumption of drugs and alcohol, smoking, age, diet, and sexually transmitted diseases.

The most common cause of infertility in women is some kind of a disorder in the ovulation process. Ovulation is a very complex process, which most of us fail to understand. It not only refers to the generation of a 'female egg cell', but also includes the 'preparation for fertilization' in the reproductive system of women. An irregularity in the menstrual cycle is a common indication of an existing problem in the ovulation.

Some other causes of infertility in women linked with ovulation are increased amount of prolactin, tubal scarring, cysts in the ovaries, weight loss, excessive exercise, disorders in the adrenal gland and thyroid gland, obesity and psychological stress or strain.

Solutions to 'infertility in women'

Infertility is quite a serious disorder and needs to be treated at some point or the other. There are several methods of treating this condition. However, which one you should opt for depends on the cause of its occurrence and the level of severity of the condition. The three main and most effective kinds of infertility treatments and solutions have been detailed below:

Medicinal Treatments - The intake of certain medicines has proved to solve the cases of infertility. 'Clomifene' is a medicine used to persuade ovulation in those women who don't ovulate at all or even regularly. 'Metformin' is used when clomifene does not react on the body. This is usually prescribed to women who are afflicted by the condition of PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome). 'Gonadotrophins' is that ingredient of a medicine which helps in stimulating ovulation. These medicines must be taken only when prescribed by the doctor.

Surgical Processes - Doctors opt for the surgical processes when some part/s in the ovulation process needs to be repaired or improved. The usual surgical processes that are undergone in the cases of infertility are; 'Fallopian tube Surgery' - done to remove the blockages or scarring in the in the fallopian tube, and 'Laparoscopic surgery' - done to take samples of the internal organs and perform operations or tests on them.

Assisted conception - Intrauterine insemination (IUI) - The procedure in which sperms are placed in the womb using a plastic tube, In vitro fertilization (IVF) - medication taken to persuade the ovaries to produce additional eggs, egg donation and Blastocyst transfer are the most effective and most commonly adopted methods of assisted conception in the condition of infertility in women.

To Your Health!

Infertility in Women - What Causes Infertility in Women and What Are the Solutions?

Abortion Clinic Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996. STDs, physical examinations, family planning, counseling - Late Term Abortion Clinic.

Teen Sex - Are You Ready For Sexual Intercourse? Signs Which Say Yes You Are

How do you know if you're ready for sex, Readiness can relate to many things in our lives e.g., am I ready for marriage, have a baby or fly the nest and go it alone? Regardless of whatever the issue it will have to be given serious thought. Readiness is about being prepared. If a happening requires readiness then this is a sure sign to show you are facing severe consequences if not prepared.

Am I ready for sex; sadly we have those who believed they were at the time of having sexual intercourse and now push babies in prams or treated for venereal diseases? Knowing when the time feels right is a personal decision, whether you're in a long standing relationship or having casual sex. The most important thing is to think of your health and feel content with the situation.

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Sex is a not a compulsory issue so you get to choose. Sexual activity has to be a joint agreement between both genders. Readiness means fully understanding all risks involved from having unprotected sex. Take necessary precautions for protection before sex becomes a reality. The contraceptive pill may not be agreeable to all so your doctor will have questions to ask. Condoms are forms of contraception that are effective and safe and help prevent infections.

Sex isn't just a physical act. A level of arousing intimacy and loyalty is involved for both parties. Talking about your feelings will bring closeness. Knowing each other`s expectations will have the experience be a pleasant one than one of disaster. If this is your first time tell your partner you are a virgin, this will have them take things gently. Losing your virginity is not a mature act and is not the in thing to do just because others are:

First time sex brings its own rewards in the right situation and preferably with the right partner. Sex is not about penetration. Am I ready for having sex? This is something only you can answer. The important things is to be open and honest with your partner,

Never leave anything to chance. Get a second opinion from mum or your doctor. Some hearsay advice below for you

1 I can't get pregnant if the man pulls out before he ejaculates.

"Oh yes you can." Sperm can still be present in pre-cum. It only takes one sperm to get you pregnant. Fluid may contain infections. Some men are not aware of ejaculation and can easily forget to withdraw the penis in time to prevent sperm entering the vagina.

2 I can't fall pregnant during my period.

"Oh yes you can." There is every possibility of pregnancy happening during a period, particularly towards the end of the menstrual cycle.

3 I can't get pregnant having sex standing up.

"Oh yes you can." If you have unprotected sex, no matter how, where, time or place you can get pregnant.

4 Condoms are 100% safe.

"On no they are not." Although considered a highly effective form of contraception, they can split so use them in conjunction with another form of contraception (the pill.)

5 I can't get pregnant while on the pill.

"Oh yes you can" if you forget to take your pill.

6 It's safe to have sex after the first pill is popped.

"Oh not it is not." Different types of contraceptive pill can take time to go to work. This can range from 0-14 days. Use another form of contraception during the time it takes for the pill to become effective.

7 If I miss taking my birth control pill it doesn't matter.

"Oh yes it does." The contraceptive pill should be taken at the same time each day, but is regarded as "missed" if it is taken more than 12 hours late (three hours late for the mini-pill, although with the mini pill Cerazette you have a 12-hour window. If more than one pill is missed, the last missed pill should be taken and the rest of the packet taken at the normal time.

8 If a condom slips off or splits, there`s nothing you can do.

"Oh yes you can" If you're female and you can take emergency contraception, the morning after pill. This should be taken within 72 hours of having sex.

9 Urinating after sexual intercourse washes out sperm.

"On no it does not." Urine exits the bladder through the urethra, which lies in above of the vaginal opening. Which means any sperm in the vagina won't even get wet when you pee.

10 All men hate wearing a condom.

"Oh no they don`t." Although some fellas have said it is like going to bed with your socks on, if a bloke has any respect for you he will wear a condom to keep you both safe.

Take heed of "Oh yes you can" and "Oh no it does not" because both are indecisive quotations. If these stick at the back of your mind then you are simply not ready.

Abortion data carried out in England and Wales in 2007 was made public on 19 June 2008 and approved by the UK Statistics authority. How many of these were a result of an unwanted pregnancy is not clearly determined.

The number of abortions was 198,500, compared with 193,700 in 2006, a 2.5% increase.

1 The age-consistent abortion rate was 18.6 per 1,000 resident women aged 15-44, compared with 18.3 in 2006

2 The abortion rate was highest at 36 per 1,000, for women age 19

3 Under-16 abortion rate was 4.4 and the under- 18 rate was 19.8 per 1,000 women, both greater than in 2006

4 89% of terminations were funded by the NHS; 57% took place in the independent sector under NHS contract
90% of terminations were carried out at under 13 weeks gestation; 70% under 10 weeks

5 Medical abortions accounted for 35% of the total compared with 30% in 2006

6 1,900 abortions (1%) were underground E, risk that the child would be born handicapped

In 2007, 7,100 abortions for non-residents were carried out in hospitals and clinics in England and Wales (7,400 in 2006)

Over the past ten years there has been a considerable increase in sexually transmitted diseases in the UK. Uncomplicated gonorrhea increased by 42% between 1998 and 2007, while genital Chlamydia increased by 150%. Chlamydia is the most commonly reported sexually transmitted disease since 2001, passing genital warts. Bacterial infections have speedily increased partly due to a general deterioration in sexual health amongst young people and gay men. GUM services have made a major contribution by encouraging testing. G.U.M. clinic is an N.H.S. run establishment for all aspects of sexual health. The phone directory lists these services under genito-urinary clinic, STDs or venereal diseases.

Teen Sex - Are You Ready For Sexual Intercourse? Signs Which Say Yes You Are

Teen Sex & Vaginal Infections