Quick-Fix Calming Techniques to Relax the Hyperactive Child

Neurological disorder like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder or ADHD can lead to a hyperactive behavior of children. This intensity can further give rise to impulsive and aggressive behavior. Yelling and scolding your child will seldom serve any purpose; instead adopting relaxation techniques can produce effective and beneficial results.

Given are few simple and easy tips or calming techniques to sooth your hyperactive child:

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1-Taking deep breaths is one of the easiest and simplest methods to calm the body. All you need to do is teach your child to take deep breath when they experience frustration or exhaustion. You need to show them the technique of deep breathing which is taking deep inhalation through your nose and holding it as long as possible and then releasing the air through the mouth. Breathing techniques help relax body as well as calms the brain.

2-Along with your child go for a walk. Walking will not only burn excess energy, but also brings focus back into the mind. Daily schedule a particular time of your day for this purpose. Walking can have a therapeutic effect in calming the mind and the body of your hyperactive child.

3-Give your hyperactive child a warm bubble bath or salt bath to wash off the stress piled up during the day. A warm bath server the purpose of soothing tense nerves and muscles in the body thereby releasing stress experienced by your child.

4-Look out for an activity which can help your hyperactive child burn excessive hyperactive energy. A good option to try is martial arts or karate as these activities teach them to maintain discipline and self-control.

5-You can also get them involved with some form of exercising on a regular basis. This is the best way to keep blood flowing and releases stress to a great extent. Exercising will also help your child get free of excess energy and frustrations. Activities like running or bike riding will also serve the purpose.

6-Create calm and noise free environment at home. A child suffering form Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may face a difficulty in maintaining a calm behavior in hectic environment. Keep your home clutter free and less decorative especially the bedroom of your hyperactive child. Opt for a natural way of living with much exposure to sunlight and keep only essential things at home, this way you can contribute to reduce the sensory overload of your child. Also select a paint color in your child's room that has soothing and calming effect instead of bright colors.

7-Listening to music has a good calming effect on mind. So if your child is hyperactive by nature, opt for soft or classical music which will give a calming effect on your child's mind. Refrain from playing loud and rock music as it can have an adverse effect.

8-Try to build a routine for your child which can be followed on a daily basis. A child suffering from Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder will feel secured and calm in their surroundings if there are schedules and structure to be followed. A military approach to setting routines will work the best.

Good Luck!

Quick-Fix Calming Techniques to Relax the Hyperactive Child

Abortion Clinic Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996. Free HIV Testing, physical examinations, family planning and counseling.

Locating Abortion Information

Getting quality abortion information can be a rather difficult endeavor. Especially with a poor and underserved communities and for teenagers that may fear seeking it out. Much of the information about abortion that is routinely handed out is actually being disseminated by so-called "pro-life" groups masquerading as organizations trying to help young women make the "right choice". They have become proficient in using scare tactics and trickery. One such example of their deception is describing their pro-life believes in what looks like informational literature. Whether they care about you or your baby is really suspect. At times it would appear as if they only care about promoting their own agenda.

To get quality abortion information to a group by the name of Planned Parenthood is an excellent place to start. Their sole function is to assist women in making their own intelligent choices, taking advantage of the freedom over their own bodies that the Supreme Court has declared it is their right. While these anti-abortion groups terrorize women and the doctors that assist them, organizations like Planned Parenthood help out women by giving them good abortion information, as well as information about birth control, and other types of sexual information and they would like to learn more. There is no point subjecting yourself to right wing propaganda, go for reliable, quality information.

Abortion Clinic

I recall having a cousin who at the age of 17 became pregnant unintentionally. The town that she lived in was rather uptight, and didn't have any abortion information that could be of assistance to her. She finally located what was termed as an "abortion counseling" clinic and went there to get abortion information.

What she learned there turned out to really frighten her. They told her that if she were to get an abortion it was likely that she could suffer from complications and maybe even die, that she would regret the decision for the rest of her days, and that her friends and family would find out all about her abortion and disown her out of shame.

Well, as you can imagine this organization had an agenda and it was not about to disseminate abortion information to anyone. Fortunately, because she's a bright girl, she was able to see through their ruse. She and the getting an abortion and as far as I understand does not regret her decision. Her parents never found out about it and it was because of her bully that they would disowned her that she never went to them for help in obtaining abortion information to begin with.

Locating Abortion Information

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning women's health. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Abortion Information [http://www.thewomenshealthjournal.com/womens-health/womens-health/abortion-information.html].

Kidney Stones - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Before one would understand what kidney stones is as one needs to know the function of the kidney. The kidney is a vital organ of the body. It is responsible for functions relating to the filtration of the blood and makes urine and this removing the waste form the body. In case, the kidney stops to work the waste would not be disposed off from the body and hence, there would be concerns as the waste is not taken care of.

In the urine there are chemicals and at times these chemicals get together and for small stones or particles. These particles would not be bigger than a sand particle. But, over the period of time these would get accumulated to turn into kidney stones. Till the time these stones would be there in the kidney, it would not be a concern, however, when it gets to the ureter, which is the tube that joins the kidney with the bladder, it poses concerns. The stone would act like a dam and would create pressure and thus the person would feel the pain. Clearly, more than the size of the stones, it is the location of the same which would cause problems and would need medical attention.

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The causes may vary from person to person. One of the causes is heredity. As your biological parents have or had kidney stones, would make you more prone to have these as well. At the same time the geographical location that a person is living at would be the cause. Like for example, Americans living in the southern region of the country are more likely to have kidney stones. This would be because of hot climate and less than required intake of water. Diet is another reason for people to develop kidney stones. The kidney stones would have a lot of calcium deposits. Thus, foods rich in calcium when one is prone to kidney stones would accelerate the process of building stones. Certain medications also lead to the development of these as well or there could be some underlined illness to that kind of problem as well.

As mentioned the ureter is blocked by these stones which would act as a dam. The body would create waves to take care of this obstruction and these would cause pain. These pain waves are called colic. The person having kidney stones would feel intense pain which would be wax and wane but there would be a persistent ache underlying. When in pain it would be very difficult for the person to get in a comfortable posture. Vomiting, nausea and sweating would be common signs. People might see blood while urinating.

The doctor needs to be consulted to see how sever the problem is. In some cases the stones are quite tiny and could be diluted and disposed off like the other body waste. In some case, surgical procedures are needed to take these kidney stones out. Usually there is a laundry list of self care tips that the doctors would recommend to avoid the recurrence of these kidney stones.

Kidney Stones - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Abortion Clinic -- Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996. Florida Abortion Clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling.

Roe V Wade

On Jan. 23, 1973, the U. S. Supreme Court issued a landmark case that affirmed the right of women to have abortions. The title of the case was Roe v. Wade, and it was decided by a 7 - 2 majority of the court. Even today, in 2009, it continues to be the law of the land.

Most people have a general understanding of the legal basis for the Roe v. Wade decision, but few have taken the time to actually read the majority opinion, which was written by Mr. Justice Blackmun. A careful study of the decision, however, reveals the following:

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~ Roe (Jane Roe) was actually a pseudonym for Norma L. McCorvey, the pregnant woman who was the plaintiff in the case. Wade refers to Henry Wade, District Attorney of Dallas County, Texas, who was attempting to enforce a state law that prohibited abortions.

~ The court concluded that adult women have the right, under the U. S. Constitution, to terminate pregnancies under most (but not all) conditions. The court said that the nine-month gestation period that is typical in a woman's pregnancy can be considered in three-month blocks of time called "trimesters." In the first trimester (first three months), a woman has the right in all cases to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes. The procedure is simple and safe, meaning it could be done at an out-patient clinic. The woman can also have an abortion during the second trimester, but in that case it must be done in a hospital so that there would be additional protection for the health of the woman. In the third trimester, however, the High Court said that abortions could be prohibited by the states unless the life or health of the woman is in jeopardy.

~ Ideologues who call themselves "pro-life" nowadays say that Roe v. Wade "permits abortions right up to the day of delivery." That is an inaccurate and highly misleading statement.

~There is additional misinformation about the constitutional basis for the High Court's decision. Many writers contend that abortion rights are based on the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. That is only partly correct. Mr. Justice Blackmun, in writing the majority decision, stated the following:

"This right of privacy, whether it be founded in the Fourteenth Amendment's concept of personal liberty and restrictions upon state action, as we feel it is, or as the District Court determined, in the Ninth Amendment's reservation of rights to the people, is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy."

Many other matters are discussed in the now-famous Roe v. Wade decision, but only two are significant: the concept of the three trimesters and the legal basis for abortion rights under the Constitution. Readers are cautioned that ideology-based interest groups will attempt to distort and to misstate both. As always, however, rational thought and disciplined scholarship will be a reader's best allies.

Roe V Wade

See also: http://abortionrights.yolasite.com

To read the court's full decision, go to: http://RoevWadeDecision1973.yolasite.com

The author has a B.S. degree from the University of Illinois and an M.B.A. degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.

He was a career U. S. Marine officer for 20+ years, and then the CEO of a successful corporation in northern Virginia until 1997. From then until 2004 he was an adjunct professor of management at both 2-year and 4-year universities in Virginia.

He has written on a variety of topics for The Washington Post and The Potomac News.

Author's URL: http://garyjacobsen.yolasite.com

What You Can Do to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Among the most alarming health issues, type 2 diabetes certainly ranks among top entries in the list. The disease has not only affected grown-up adults, but teenagers and children are also being victimized by this serious health disorder. The restricted secretion of insulin by pancreas is the main cause behind this problem, while an unworthy lifestyle can be considered as the main culprit for worsening the condition.

As the body cells, especially in muscles and liver, don't get enough insulin to convert sugar into energy, these cell are famished and leads to undesirable effects on eyes, kidney, nerves and other delicate organs of human body. Type 2 diabetes can lead to serious problems like heart attack and stroke and thus, you should be aware of the preventive measure for this life-taking and life-hampering disease.

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Information is feed for Prevention

First and foremost step to prevent type 2 diabetes is to equip you with right information. You must know the symptoms of this disease, including increase in huger and thirst, loss in weight, unclear vision, unhealed sores and fatigue. Appearance of one or combination of these symptoms can alert you and start the preventive procedures for this disorder. Also, you must consult a doctor and get screened for various tests to diagnose type 2 diabetes.

Eating Good Staying Well

Good diet has always been recommended by medical specialists, as your body always desire for proper and balanced diet. Include all necessary constituents in recommended amount and maintain a strict schedule for eating. Avoid foods containing high content of sugar and switch over to low-calories sugar products available in the market.

Exercise on Regular Basis

Good eating habits should be accompanies by routine exercising, as it helps your body to relieve surplus sugar and fat contents, accumulated in your body. Exercises like cycling, jogging running and yoga are like procedures to clear the blockage inside your body, so that appropriate amount of insulin in secreted for your body needs. You can also participate in your favorite sport to gain similar benefits.

Maintaining an Impressive Lifestyle

Your lifestyle not only reflects your status in the society, it also maintains a good level of health for your body:

1-Avoid watching TV for prolonged time period. Also, don't be indulged in sitting work for excessive hours and expose your body to physical work.

2-Restrain yourself from smoking and consuming alcohol in excessive amount. These products can lead to damaged health for your body and can make you socially and financially insecure.

3-Maintain a stress-free routine and restrict the tensions and anxiety to overpower your mind. This will bless you with natural immunity to fight and prevent type 2 diabetes as well as other disorders.

The government has started a number of useful programs like 'Small Steps - Big Rewards' to make you capable and informed for preventing this disease. Participating in these programs may contribute in reducing the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. You can also take initiative to spread these messages to other people, with an aim to uproot this disease from our society.

To Your Health!

What You Can Do to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Florida Abortion Clinic Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including Florida abortion clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services and sexually transmitted disease screening and counseling.

Addison's Disease: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Addison's disease can be a common ailment in people. It happens when the adrenal glands are not producing a sufficient amount of steroid hormones. This kind of production can be found through medical imaging and blood tests. This disease has got this name from Thomas Addison, the famous doctor who found the malaria disease. The disease can be cured through provision of hormones like oral hydrocortisone to the patient.

There can be many causes of this disease which include dysgeensis which means an inadequate formation of the gland and the production can't happen normally. Sometimes, steroidgenesis can also cause this disease which means inability of the adrenal glands to produce cortisol.

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This disease is caused due to the lack of this hormone only. Since the symptoms don't reveal themselves easily, this ailment can't be detected so easily however the patient may experience some symptoms like fatigue, fever and weight loss. Patients also suffer from low energy while standing up and hence don't find it easy to do so. Individuals also develop a desire for consuming salt foods because sodium gets washed out of the urine. So, salt which is rich sources of sodium can fulfill their desires. The patients also experience some tanning of the skin because the inability of the glands causes hyperpigmentauon which manifests as tanning.

Low blood pressure is caused when some tries to stand up. There can be many causes of this disease which include impaired steriodogeneis. It's because the adrenal gland needs cholesterol for producing steroid hormones. But, lack of cholesterol causes an impairment of steroid production. The lack of cholesterol to the adrenal gland can be caused by abetalipoproteinemia and Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome.

The disease can be treated by introducing cortisone in the body. So, the hormones can be introduced in the form of tablets. The regime as to be strictly followed and it can be there for a lifetime also. Sometimes, the injections of such cortisones can also be increased when the patient is pregnant or is suffering from a kind of trauma. In fact, such doses also need to be more when a person has become infected. It's important that the patients of this disease have the cortisone injections so that they can be cured if they become injured. They should also have some identification tag so that someone else can know that they have the disease if they become unconscious. So, the tag lets someone know that the patient needs a cortisone injection. This tag can also have the telephone number and name of the relative. The best forms of cure are needle, cortisol and syringe. Sometimes, during stress, patients need more medication and they should be aware of the process.

Sometimes, patients who suffer from this ailment also experience vomiting. They can't be administered tablets of oral hydrocortisone, so they have to take injections. Sometimes, attention by doctors is required when vomiting or diarrhea starts happening due to this ailment.

Addison's Disease: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortion pill, physical examinations, family planning and counseling.

Five of the Healthiest Foods You Can Buy For Cheap

The prices of food are rising so fast, that we tend to look at cheaper options and ought to take quick bites rather than proper meals. When you go grocery shopping, you should look for healthier foods, rather than packaged foods, as they are not only soft on the pocket but also, good for your body.

Here are a few healthy foods, which you could not only get for cheap but also helps in keeping you fit:

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Eggs - Eggs are not only cheap, but also full of proteins. Eggs aid in keeping eye problems which come with age, at bay, as they contain a good amount of 'Zeaxanthin' and 'Lutein', which are antioxidants. Eggs is such a food, which you can have at anytime, whether its breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Fruits - Apples, Bananas and Watermelon: Fruits like apples, bananas and watermelon, go easy on the pocket, are tasty and also healthy. Apples aid in the reduction of cholesterol, as it contains a fiber called 'Pectin' and also helps the blood vessels to stay healthy, as it contains 'Vitamin C' which is an antioxidant. Bananas have a good source of fiber and potassium and are also very good for your tummy. Watermelon is a summertime fruit.

Watermelon contains more than ninety percent water; it has a good source of Potassium, Vitamin C and Lycopene, which is an antioxidant, which aids in keeping cancer at bay. All these fruits are a good source of energy and are an anytime snack and can be accompanied with meals as well.

Potatoes: Potatoes are often considered to be fattening and not too good for health, as they are more than often seen as chips or fries, whereas they are actually very nutritious. Potatoes contain a good amount of 'Vitamin C', when eaten along with the skin. They also have a good content of potassium. In case, of yams and sweet potatoes, they have a good content of 'beta carotene'. Potatoes are very healthy and cheap too. You can create endless dishes just with one vegetable.

Milk: Milk which is low in fat is very nutritious. Although the prices of milk are rising, they are not too high when single serves are taken into consideration. Milk is an anytime drink, with a good source of potassium, Vitamin D, Vitamin A, proteins and also Niacin. Milk is a drink which is considered to be the simplest way to strengthen the calcium in bones. Milk is a substance used to make an endless list of things like, smoothies, yogurt, coffee, cheese and the list goes on.

Nuts: Nuts are expensive, but a few nuts when bought with shell, turn out to be cheaper. Nuts high in fats, but these fats are good as they are monosaturated and unsaturated fats. Nuts come with a good content of protein, fatty acids and Vitamin E. Nuts are very nutritious, as such even little intake of these is sufficient in order to get the required nutrients. Nuts are an anytime snack, they can be had roasted, raw or even added to salads.

Five of the Healthiest Foods You Can Buy For Cheap

Abortion Clinic

Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996.

STDs, physical examinations, family planning, counseling.

Where's the Passion?

In the wake of the recent mindless Arizona massacre, my wife asked why it was that the NRA could flood the blogosphere so quickly in advance of the growing call across the country for the banning of assault weapons on the streets of America. Together we concluded that it was because of simple "passion." NRA members seem all to be very passionate about not only their freedom to own guns, but fiercely defiant at any suggestion that those guns be controlled in any way by government. Such passion is fine. We need more of it. Maybe had we as concerned citizens been more cognizant of what was really going on in our nation's capitol these past thirty years and found the collective passion to resist...we may not be in the myriad mess that we find ourselves in today.

The fervent Religious Right on the implied promise of banning abortion, gay marriage and returning prayer to the public schools banded together and elected George W. Bush not once but twice - to the ultimate dismay of many in the Religious Right and many if not most Americans. The Tea Party in its fervor found a following large enough to have a major impact in the last national election. Collective fervor and passion does get the job done.

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That being so, where is the fervor in the nation today? Stupid, unwinnable wars, millions of illegals flooding the country thumbing their noses at the Immigration Service that is supposed to be setting our immigration quotas according the nation's needs and not those of the illegals. This is no immigration policy, it's a sham social engineering attempt to mask and cover the failings of the Immigration Service since the failed amnesty of 1986. We need to extract the rhetoric from the immigration tempest and see it for what it really is; we need new people and should even welcome new people in this great country - but we need to be able to honestly appreciate what they offer and accept them graciously in return. This will never happen as long as our new immigrants must sneak across our borders and hide their identities for years while not knowing who they are or to whom they belong. Immigration is not our problem. Our total lack of a system is. Let's determine the numbers of new immigrants we are prepared to handle and live by it.

The banking industry got rich selling 0,000 homes to school janitors and single moms - to the ultimate practical destruction of the entire U.S. economy, from which we all suffer and will perhaps for decades.

All this from a corrupted United States Congress which forgot why they were there; forgetting that the pledge they recite each business morning is to the United States of America, composed of fifty separate states who banded together to form that "more perfect union" - and if that fails, we all fail. Instead, they treat Washington as the mother lode, to pillage at every opportunity in bringing the vote-getting bacon (pork) to the homefolks. Career longevity largesse in the form of campaign contributions from corporate America - monies from products or services bought by Americans - has working Americans paying for the corrupting of their own government...and the steady shrinking of America's working middle-class.

All this is well known to Americans - hence the horrendous public approval rating for Congress of around 13%. Why, then, are we only hearing from those fervent enough to join together and speak in numbers? We have a government filled with agencies that cannot see beyond the next administration and a congress that cannot see beyond the next election - while our nation continues headed right off a cliff.

Americans not only found the passion to fight and win World War II but built from that effort a highly developed and progressive industrial nation. We built the Interstate highway system, and created the GI bill for thousands of young veterans that paved the way and created the incentive for thousands of other young Americans to seek an advanced education for themselves. The nation boomed, bloomed and became a beacon of hope for much of the rest of the world. We need such a passion across this troubled nation again today.

Everything of consequence that happens in this country must flow through the United States Congress.

We need one that can operate.

Where's the Passion?

Herb Austin, M.A.

Thyroid Disease - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

The 'thyroid' is a small gland situated below the 'Adam's apple' in the neck. It releases two hormones; the thyroxine (T4) and the triodothyroxine (T3). These hormones increase the amount of oxygen that the body uses and incites your cells to generate new proteins. By regulating the release of the hormones, the thyroid establishes the metabolism rate of almost all your body's organs.

Problems mainly occur when the thyroid gland tends to become either 'underactive' (leading to hypothyroidism) or 'overactive' (leading to hyperthyroidism). Even cancer may grow in the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism takes place due to shriveling of the thyroid gland. Conversely, Hyperthyroidism takes place due to the over activity of the thyroid gland.

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Causes of Thyroid disease

Thyroid, be it hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, can be due to several diverse causes. Some of them are:

-Inadequate production of the 'thyroid hormone' causes hypothyroidism.

-An Inborn error or defect in the thyroid gland and a deficiency of pituitary causes Hypothyroidism.

-An excessive amount of the 'thyroid hormone' results in Hyperthyroidism.

-Emotional or physical stress and heredity may result in hyperthyroidism too.

-Improper feeding habits over a very long period of time along with some oppressive medical treatment is however the most common cause.

-Faulty style of living causes thyroid

Symptoms of Thyroid disease

-Hyperthyroidism' and 'Hypothyroidism' have a number of signs and symptoms. Some of them have been mentioned below:

-Hypothyroidism causes a person to slow down his movements, gain weight, often get constipated and become vulnerable to cold.

-Severe backache, stiffness in the muscles and joints, dry thickened hair, puffiness on the face, and relatively slow pulse are some of the other symptoms.

-Hyperthyroidism causes a person to sweat excessively frequently, become really weak, overactive, nervous, sensitive to heat and underweight.

-Overactive and enlarged heart, bulged eyes, irregular and rapid pulse rate, slight tremor felt in the fingers, palpitation of the heart and passing increased quantity of urine are some other symptoms.
Treatment of Thyroid disease

Both the types of thyroid can be treated in several different ways. Apart from the usual medicinal treatments, there are a few adaptations and alterations that you will have to bring about in your lifestyle and eating habits, in order to improve the condition of thyroid. Some of the most commonly opted and effective treatments are:

-A rational diet, Cleansing of the system, adequate amount of rest and relaxation is very important. Fresh fruit juices must be consumed on a regular basis for around 5 days. Then, in the next 3 days have more of fruits and milk and then eventually get onto a healthy and balanced diet.

-The patient must rest a full day in bed, each and every week for first two months of the treatment.

-Physical exercises and yoga can be practiced only after symptoms collapse.

-Coffee and tea, greasy and fleshy foods, alcohol, condiments, sugar and white flour must be avoided.

-Physical exertion and emotionally being upset should be avoided.

All these changes will definitely bring about positive results in treating thyroid!

To Your Health!

Thyroid Disease - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Abortion Clinic Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996. STDs, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, Late Term Abortion Clinic.

Struggle For Freedom, Part 2: The Impact Of Women's Movements In The United States

This is part 2 in a three-part series examining the history of feminist movements in the United States and their impact on American society. In the first part, we examined conditions that led to the various women's movements. This story continues to evolve in the 19th century where part one left off. Up until the 19th century the institution of marriage largely defined feminine lives. It was their identity, providing women their place in society. Marriage and motherhood signified a woman's maturity and respectability, though marriage itself was more like a business deal than a romantic commitment. In the World of Society back then, women were treated as family possessions, to be married off for respectability or even fortune.

Aside from those who married, let's not forget the Spinsters, also known offensively as "Old Maids". These were unmarried women past the child-bearing age or who were just downright unlucky at love. In today's 21st century, a single woman can still be stereotyped like a "Spinster", wherein society unkindly judges a woman for supposed "Lesbian" tendencies, often because she is nothing but mature, alone and doesn't seem to interact with men. How hurtful this can be and often untrue! Many women simply choose to be alone, enjoying their freedom. As far as we have come from the 17th century, society still assumes the existential position of wifehood and motherhood that if you are alone you don't like the opposite sex. However, if a woman chooses to be lesbian, that's her choice too. Regardless, this viewpoint still harkens back to the early roles that women played in society. If you weren't married, something was "wrong" with you.

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Many of the young women from the 19th century known as Spinsters were most likely under the thumb of their dear old parents, who needed someone to take care of them and do their bidding in their old age. As a dutiful daughter, she would renounce her fantasies, and illusions in regards to love, and marriage, accepting the guilt trip that her parents had saddled her with always.

If an unmarried woman 25 years or older still held fantasies that she would be able to enter into the idyllic state of marriage, she would be ridiculed and scorned like an Old Maid. The mere idea of any man marrying an "old" spinster back then was utterly ridiculous. Only if, she were a person of wealth would she be worth having past the age of 25. Therefore, a woman who did not marry was considered a failure and looked upon by society with pity. Although her primary goal was to be a wife and mother, the only decent forms of employment which she could engage in as an unmarried woman were that of a teacher, a governess, or a companion, although she was uneducated in the sophisticated ways of the young ladies of society.

Women throughout the centuries have been perceived as inferior to men. This has frustrated and enraged them in regards to the lack of control they have had over their own destinies.

As a result of women vocalizing their displeasure over the way they were being treated and their overwhelming lack of rights, the first Women's Rights convention was held at Seneca Falls, New York. This took place on July 19-20, 1848, with the sole purpose of addressing Women's rights and issues. It was organized by Quaker leader and abolitionist Lucretia Mott and abolitionist lecturer Elizabeth Cady Stanton. There were at least 260 women that attended the meeting demanding political, social and economic justice for women, which was quite revolutionary for the 19th century. A Declaration of Rights and Sentiments fashioned after the Declaration of Independence was prepared by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. It mentioned all the injustices that women had suffered for years.

Some of the highlights from that declaration included:

That women as well as men are created equal and that women have the right to own property in their own name.

The right, to work at any trade or profession of their choosing.

The right to an education and the right to vote.

The Seneca Falls Convention marked the inauguration of the Women's Rights Movement in America. Women were no longer going to be suppressed or remain silent, be treated as a commodity, or as a slave. The buck was stopping there. Enough was enough.

Prior to 1848 and other "Married Women's Property Acts" that were passed, when a woman married, she would lose the right to control property that was hers prior to the marriage. She wasn't able to acquire property during the marriage either. Married woman during that time were not able to make any contracts, transfer assets or even sell property, bring suit, maintain or control her own wages or collect any rents. Although Mississippi adopted the first married women's property act in 1839, the state of New York passed a much better known law in 1848.

With the passing of the 1893 Married Women's Property Act, this slow course of action was finally brought to fruition. As a result, married women now fully had legalized control over possessions of every kind. Possessions that they had owned at marriage or which they received after marriage, either by inheritance or which they had earned.

After the Civil War, industry began to grow as new cities were being built. This in turn provided better paying jobs to men. For women, jobs like telephone operators, stenographers, clerks, teachers and nurses were all becoming available.

The Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), which was the largest women's association of the 19th century, was founded in 1874. It addressed the issues of men's alcoholism and its detrimental effect upon the family. Their primary concern focused on the saloons because that was where men spent most of their time, where they spent their wages on alcohol, gambled away their livelihood and where prostitution flourished. It was a man's world. In the saloon, the man would always find a warm welcome, It was their hide away from the whinny complaints of their wives and where they could avoid endless domestic issues. These dedicated WCTU women would aggravate the saloons, urging the saloon keepers to lock their doors. The more they were pushed aside, the more they would fight back. They were relentless in their efforts, which eventually resulted in 3000 saloons being closed.

The National Woman's Suffrage Association, with Elizabeth Cady Stanton as President, was formed in 1869. The American Women's Suffrage Association, with Henry Ward Beecher as President, was also established the same year. Their goal was to ensure women's suffrage. In 1890, the two groups merged into the "National American Women's Suffrage Association" with Susan B. Anthony as President. She was assisted by Carrie Chapman Catt. In 1920, the National League of Women Voters was established. This replaced the National American Woman's Suffrage Association. The Women's Rights Movement continued to gain momentum as the "newly liberated woman "began emerging around the 1890's. They proudly wore full-cut men's trousers, argued over women's rights openly in public places, and competed in strenuous sporting events. So what do you think about that? These women were real jocks involved in all sports and could handle smoking too.

A leading woman's revolution took place in 1916, as women were liberated from simply acting as reproduction machines. At the time, many women were going through with unwanted pregnancies, and many others had died as a result of self-abortion. Margaret Sanger, a maternity nurse in lower Manhattan, New York, aware of the trauma, decided to open the first birth-control clinic. Margaret Sanger also formed the National Birth Control League in 1917, which became the Planned Parenthood Federation in 1942. At the end of the war, a ruling from the Federal Court allowed condoms to be legally advertised and sold for the prevention of disease, although there were still a few state laws that were against condoms as a birth control device. In part three of this three-part series, I'll conclude with the recent history and impact of the feminist movement in America, and how birth control and organized effort helped advance women with the equality that they always deserved.

Struggle For Freedom, Part 2: The Impact Of Women's Movements In The United States

With 12 years of research experience, History in all its manifestations is Miriam B. Medina's passion, and she loves nothing more than sharing what she learns with everyone, especially when it relates to the Women's Liberation Movement. So be sure to check it out at http://thehistorybox.com/, a one-stop resource center for writers, journalists, historians, teachers and students.