Insomnia and Poor Quality Sleep - Causes and Treatments

Insomnia is irregular wakefulness, inability to sleep or poor quality sleep. This problem might cause during daytime, like lack of energy, tiredness, irritability and difficulty concentrating. Some level of this problem is experienced by everyone. It is as simple as not able to fall asleep, as changes made in sleeping patterns or excitement of next day. A symptom of Night time eating syndrome may be Insomnia.

Different classifications of Insomnia are chronic, intermittent and transient. The short term insomnia is transient insomnia, which lasts from single night to couple of weeks. Insomnia which occurs on and off is Intermittent Insomnia. The constantly occurred insomnia is chronic insomnia.

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This problem can be caused by different things. The people who are experiencing stress, extreme temperatures, change in surrounding environment, environmental noise, wake/sleep schedule problems like medication side effects is caused by intermittent and transient insomnia. The chronic insomnia cause is more complex than intermittent and transient insomnia causes. It results in the combination of factors which includes mental disorders or underlying physical. Chronic insomnia is most commonly caused by depression.

Other substances or medications may also cause insomnia like tobacco, caffeine, stimulants, alcohol, nicotine, sedatives, certain allergy, theophylline and cold medicines. The primary causes of insomnia include medical or emotional conditions. Some life changes can cause long term insomnia like changes in their work schedule, major life problems, emotional upsets like relationship break up, long lasting stress and Gastrointestinal disorders like heartburn.

The non-drug treatments of insomnia:

The treatment not only includes medications, but even behavioral modifications for long term results and sleep habitat. To manage insomnia, it is important to evaluate sleep habitats. In some cases changing sleep schedule might correct the problem without any medications.

The good sleep habitat includes a comfortable quite room at comfortable temperature and a comfortable bed, regular sleep times, appropriate lighting, regular exercises, not late in evenings or close to bed time, avoid naps during day time and relaxations techniques like breathing exercise.

The OTC (Over the Counter) medicines for insomnia are advisable only for short term and transient insomnia. The OTC drugs should not be used for short period conjunction, with having changes in sleeping habitats. These drugs when used for chronic results in dependence on them. Where it creates a problem, that sleep is not possible till the use of drug. Chromic insomnia should be evaluated by physicians.

The Antihistamines for insomnia:

Doxylamine (for e.g. Unisom) and Diphenhydramine (for e.g. Nytol, Sominex) are marketed as OTC drugs. Diphenhydramine is the agent which is considered to be effective and safe by drug and food administration. The effectiveness and safety of doxylamineis not adequately evaluated for FDA approval. The causes of Diphenhydramine include motion, allergy, cough suppression and sickness.

The drug interactions for insomnia:

Doxylamine and Diphenhydramine add medications which causes drowsiness and the tranquilizer of alcohol.

The side effects for insomnia:

Doxylamine and Diphenhydramine also cause dry mouth, difficulty in urinating and constipation. Both the drugs worsen the symptoms of asthma, prostate gland enlargement, glaucoma and heart problems.

To Your Health!

Insomnia and Poor Quality Sleep - Causes and Treatments

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Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996.

Florida Abortion Clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling.