Skin Care - Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Good Or Bad?

Most of the beauty products that that women use would have Alpha Hydroxy Acids which is also know as AHA. The reasons why this component is included in the beauty products are:

AHA is highly recommended for skin pigmentation. This helps to clear the old skin which is nothing but the dead skin cells and gives way to the underlying fresh and new skin cell. The process of exfoliation makes the skin clean, glowing and rejuvenated.

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The AHA has the capability to reduce the ageing signs. Thus, this is used in the products which are boasting to be anti ageing. Though, the deep wrinkles and other lines would not disappear overnight, but the gradual effect of the same can't be denied.

By leading the dry skin shed to bring the new skin cells to the surface helps women to look more vibrant and that is what the AHA is used extensively in the creams and moisturizes for dry skin.

There are many ladies out there who are really allergic to the sunlight. By using the AHA composition with the sunscreen lotion, the absorption of the same is increased and thus, one is protected from the sunrays.
Using beauty products with AHA would help taking care of the skin which is damaged by the sun.

Despite the above reasons that AHA should be used in the beauty products, like any other thing, there is a flip side to this as well. In case AHA is not used in right proportions then it may lead to skin allergies and irritations. Ironically AHA is used to better photoaging damage but incase it is used inappropriately it would encourage the same. Pigmentation scarring would also be the outcome of using AHA more than the required quantities in a beauty product.

The idea is not to use too much of AHA on the skin. The manufactures of the beauty products that use AHA as a marketing campaign would take due care to ensure that the quantities are right. However, if you are using a number of products with AHA you are using more AHA on your skin surface, which is sure to have its damaging result. Hence, it is for the best that you should use AHA beauty products in a limited fashion so that the overall use of AHA on your skin should not be more than desired.

The best is to use AHA powered exfoliant and moisturizer for your skin and rest of the beauty products should be minus the same. By having your exfoliant and moisturizer with AHA would let the skin absorb AHA, as these two are usually left on the skin of a longer period than the other beauty products. At the same time, your sun screen lotion should also have AHA.

Clearly, there is no doubt that AHA is good with all the above positive effects on the skin but only when it's use is limited. Thus, sticking to the boundaries.

Skin Care - Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Good Or Bad?

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including Abortion Clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services and sexually transmitted disease screening and counseling.