Men and Fatherhood - Pregnancy and Birth

Becoming a father awakens new and beautiful feelings in a man. Even for men, fatherhood, pregnancy and birth have great meaning. Most men these days are not content being just breadwinners. They want to be there to nurture their babies and be active in parenting. This quite a shift from what it used to be just 20 to 30 years ago.

Becoming a father is a transformation where a man comes in contact with deep emotional feelings. The depth of this feeling cannot be expressed in words. A whole new world of feelings open up for a man when he sees his wife or partner progressing through pregnancy and then giving birth. Many women appreciate the new awakening of feelings in their spouse or partner but they do not really understand it completely.

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When a man becomes a father, he is filled with excitement, fear, worry, wonder, love and confusion. Men in the US are not prepared for the transition. They are not prepared to transform to fathers. However, they can ease the transition by participating in prenatal classes. Many men start preparing for fatherhood at the time of pregnancy. They start developing a bond with their child. You will find expectant fathers laying their hands on their partner's or spouse's belly and talking to their babies. Fathers can become involved by helping to choose the doctor or being involved where the child should be born.

Today we see more and more men willing to participate in the birth process. They want to be there with their partners and they want to be there for their partners. They want to offer support and love. Being present during the birth of your child can be one the most important moments in your live. This moment will also bring you closer to your spouse or partner. Even expectant fathers need support when their baby is going to be born. This support is usually in the form of a male friend who is available should they need him.

No doubt, for a man, fatherhood, pregnancy and birth are every emotional and men are now beginning to bond with their children a lot earlier than what they used to. Above all an expectant father is realizing the benefits of bonding with his child and wife or partner and he is also taking time to understand what it means to be a man and a father.

Men and Fatherhood - Pregnancy and Birth

About Author:

Pauline Go is a professional writer for many parenting websites. She also writes other great articles like Signs Of Miscarriage, Find Abortion Clinic Near Me, Parenting Advice On Teen Drinking