Self-Improvement - Real Courage

It takes more courage to be a person of peace than it does to be a man of war. It is more difficult to walk away from a fight then it is to throw the first punch. Why is that? I think many times it is because of pride. We think people will look down on us or call us a whimp if we refuse to fight. It is true that some people will make fun of us. But their opinion is not important. Many people will respect us for our courage, self-control, and strength. These are the opinions we need to listen to.

Sometimes as much as we try to avoid it, the fight/war is inevitable. But does that mean there has to be violence? NO! Think about how Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. fought his war. He fought it with words and ideas. One can kill the soldier but he can't kill the soldier's idea. Dr. King's messages of racial reconciliation ring just as strong today as they did the day they flowed from his mouth. Violence is the last choice of action, an action we hope never has to be taken. Violence is never desirable.

Abortion Clinic

Compare this with the disturbed people who bomb abortion clinics. Is that a proper way to fight? NO! I hate abortion. It is murder and a sin before Almighty God but I would never bomb an abortion clinic. Two sins do not make a right. We need to battle the abortionists in the arena of ideals. How would Jesus battle abortionists? By hitting them? How about killing them? No, Jesus would tell them the truth. He would tell them it is murder. He would tell them that God has special plans for the unborn even before they are formed in the womb. He would tell them that even though they are sinning that He always loves them. Jesus knew how to fight and that is with TRUTH and LOVE!

Self-Improvement - Real Courage

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